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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. The new national anthem should be by a contemporary Scottish artist and be both inspiring to those singing it on the pitch and easy enough to be sung along to by drunks off the pitch. I therefore propose Ebeneezer Goode by the Shamen.
  2. Played 18 holes for the first time in about 14 months yesterday. Was one of the most enjoyable rounds I've ever played.
  3. Nothing but respect for MY Prime Minister.
  4. A pity you and your fellow supporters didn't do this when your big team was in trouble.
  5. Quite incredible that Tom English continues to choose this hill to die on. A man apparently determined to shred his last vestiges of credibility on behalf of Leslie Deans and Ann Budge. For someone who was considered to be a breath of fresh air in Scottish football opinion and commentary, over the last couple of months he's spectacularly outed himself as no better than the Keith Jackson's of this world.
  6. Aye, it's an awkward one to try and explain to the missus.
  7. Clever move from the Championship clubs imo. They know the Premiership 11/1 rule will prevent this, so are giving nods and winks so they don't miss out on that maroon pound due to boycotts.
  8. Genuinely hope this goes to court tbh. 'Because the Hearts were shit, you must acquit'
  9. I see yer da is out protecting the statues in George Square today.
  10. Is the Leslie Deans letter the John Brown 'whaires tha deeds ?' moment ?
  11. The mods have dropped the ball here, so the onus is on me to remind posters that unless they are a Hearts fan or a qualified QC, they are not permitted to post any opinions or predictions on any forthcoming court case.
  12. I'm sure we're all shocked that large groups of football lads roaming the streets all day full of bevvy has ended in violence.
  13. Aye, there's that as well tbf, but the sentiment runs deeper than just those we see on the streets.
  14. I think much of it is to do with them feeling that they never got what they think they 'deserved' for 'winning'.
  15. I will never forgive Greggs for radicalising these impressionable young men by introducing vegan sausage rolls.
  16. 'Sandra, SANDRA, ave you seen my SS helmet ? I need it for the 'we're not far right' protest with the lads this afternoon.'
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