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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Odds on Wings and the Yes da's backing him ?
  2. You don't have to worry about Scotland being a political entity if you don't consider Scotland to be a country.
  3. Claros was a baller. Was nicknamed the pitbull and survived being shot in the head. A cult hero.
  4. Given your love of statues of slave traders, I would say that it's probably you that's the extremist.
  5. Looks like Edinburgh will be going down the shitebag route of adding a plaque to the Dundas statue.
  6. Risks are going to have to be taken at some point.
  7. I feel it's more likely that she was taken from the unlocked apartment, than being found in the middle of the road by the world's luckiest paedophile.
  8. You're probably right. There's been no mention of feminazis yet which would also rule out banana.
  9. We sure it's Jeremiah Cole ? More than a hint of Swampy or banana imo.
  10. The Moonster v Throbber is an interesting subplot here.
  11. Ok, I'll take a look back through the thread.
  12. @Alternative Title what do you think happened that night ? Can you give us your theory on the disappearance?
  13. A very negative post. Please try and Romaine positive.
  14. Apparently, some wee vegetarian guy with a funny moustache started a massive war which killed lots of innocent people. I don't know his name though as the snowflake left won't let us have a statue of him.
  15. The obvious answer is surely to play Johnson and Cummings at their own game. There's no point in sticking to the rule book, or uncodified conventions and norms of behaviour if your opponents don't. Civil disobedience, let's tie the Scottish Office up in knots and start dipping our toes into reserved matters. Many of us want Scotland to be an independent country, let's start acting like one.
  16. Doubtful, they slept through an abduction and the resultant panic afterwards. Can't see them waking up in the tapas bar unless Kate and Gerry were really planning to hit the bevy that night.
  17. Haud on a minute. What the f**k is a carpet shop doing open in the middle of a pandemic ? No chance of a pint, places running on a skeleton service, yet you can pop down and pick up a shag pile for your hallway ? GTF
  18. She wasn't named arguido by the Portuguese polis though, so I'm going to call it a score draw.
  19. There's been hundreds of thousands, if not millions of pounds spent on PR since she went missing, in order to keep the story in the news and in the forefront of people's minds. A bunch of weirdos discussing crackpot theories on a Scottish football forum is basically what the parents wanted. Please respect their wishes.
  20. We've sold a decent amount of season tickets and Big Ron put some money in last year. It's not ideal, but I think we'll be better off than most.
  21. Never knew this until this article, it was Jim McLean who valued the players. https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/football/hibs/creative-accountancy-how-jim-mclean-and-others-were-unlikely-saviours-hibs-wallace-mercer-circled-2873914
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