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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. I always thought Jimmy brought a bit of colour to the forums. Did he overstep the mark sometimes ? Not for me to say, but yes, yes he did. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
  2. JTS98 being a bennett alias is a twist I did not see coming.
  3. Aye he's a lawyer tbf. He's sitting on a goldmine of civil suits there.
  4. I thought we were talking about this grimes tbh.
  5. This guy is cataloguing the police violence. Some horrific stuff in the threads there.
  6. Lot's of abstaining ahead on bills that cut public spending then aye. The forensic opposition the country needs.
  7. Is it not based on an algorithm of what you google. I get stuff like this rather than Megan and Harry.
  8. Lol, Neill knows exactly what he's doing by tweeting that. Nap that this will be the first 9 replies on that thread.
  9. Owens usually sticks to the US though and Grimes is just a snivelling wee hypocrite. These 2 are the fucking worst though.
  10. According to folk who knew her, her political views completely changed when Trump was elected. She joined Turning Point which is kind of a right wing think tank aimed at younger people and funded by dodgy billionaires. Married a British hedge fund manager who helped launch Turning Point UK. She basically makes money by saying and writing things like 'black people need to leave the Democrat plantation'.
  11. I agree with the snivelling bootlicker, f**k weak pathetic bargaining, we should just declare UDI.
  12. You're pals with Detournment ? She's just an opportunistic grifter who's linked to some very shady characters.
  13. Nothing but admiration for Lyn Rigby for coming out with that after everything she's been through. Unfortunately, the mouthbreathers will now switch to Emily Jones.
  14. This German boy is gonna get Epsteined in jail.
  15. 3 held on terror charges in Las Vegas, right wing conspiracy to incite violence during protests. The tip of the iceberg no doubt. bOtH SiDeS.
  16. As impressive as he is here, this video is over 30 years old. Both he and the world have changed. It's a bit like watching a rerun of Aberdeen winning the Cup Winners Cup, very impressive, but you wouldn't back them to go out and pump Real Madrid again tomorrow.
  17. In the future, the Ben Garrison version will be canon anyway.
  18. Bookmarking some of these Biden posts for when he turns up at the debates, sniffs the Fox News lady's hair, mumbles something incoherent about 'coloureds on the bus' and 'this collard greens malarkey' before collapsing with his eye weeping blood.
  19. Aye your right, as far as rivalries go it's pretty friendly tbf. I hope they are shite in this save though as I need their reputation to diminish so it's easier to nick their better players.
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