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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Getting ridiculous now. Have a bit of self respect lads and just get doon FFS.
  2. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Won my first 3 WL games then lost 7 in a row. EA just blatantly trolling me now, last game finished 3-2 Dan James, not even the 86, the gold 77, beats Hummels twice to score headers before curling in a 25 yard free kick. Fucking ridiculous game.
  3. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    And f**k playing 30 games in one night. I can't even manage 30 over a weekend without wanting to slit my wrists.
  4. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Cannot believe his price. One of if not the best value SBC this year.
  5. Kamberi to some league one jobbers down south. Naismith in permanently, would love Docherty too, but it's less likely. Not fussed about McNulty or Omeonga tbh. And a new left back ffs. He's a club legend, but I'll be fucking raging if we go into what seems like the 23rd season in a row with Stevenson as 1st choice.
  6. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    First red pick, choice of Parejo, Mariano or Donk. Second red pick, choice of Parejo, Mariano or Donk. Defo worth staying up to 1 am trying to cram 25 games in last weekend. f**k all from the packs too.
  7. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Delay so bad tonight.
  8. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    I enjoyed using his 87 future stars card, bit lightweight though. On a separate note. Avoid that Ramadan strip. Wtf.
  9. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Kruse and Odegaard. Small win.
  10. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Hoping for Kruse and Kroos when I get on console later. Would take that Messi guy too tbf. No keepers plz.
  11. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    If it was me I'd only submit one TOTS card in there. Save the other one for another SBC.
  12. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Finally, one from a pack. This for the La Liga SBC. Begining to get a bit low on fodder now.
  13. Fitting that Kincy has probably the staunchest degree you can get.
  14. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Packed Godin on day 1 of TOTS and f**k all since.
  15. Excuse me sir, I do not take kindly to you propositioning me like this. I'll need a couple of WKD's before I get my tits out for you.
  16. Tremendous stuff today guys. Proper Vera Lynn, good old Blighty, Blitz spirit getting us through the pandemic. -Todd still claiming it's a bad case of the flu. -Teachers are feckless and should bloody well work for free and if they don't like it they should bloody well get another job. -Oaky having one of his 'episodes' Lowkey highlight for me though was @Granny Danger and @SlipperyP having an argument about the morals of 'buying' Thai brides. All in all, I'll be out giving it laldy with the pots and pans on Thursday night in recognition of everyone's commitment on here.
  17. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    The Lanier league SBC is an excellent card btw, one of the top 5 RB's in the game (pre TOTS anyway). Over 100 games for me now. The other 2 cards are pretty meh. Boetius is ok, Cuhna is a waste of space. Tbh, it's probably a waste of time doing that Verstratae card now.
  18. Inverness and Morton becoming some sort of hate filled rivalry that lasts for decades would be an excellent development imo. Hopefully the Greenock Telegraph can do their thing to spice it up.
  19. Enjoying the irony of people mewling about how much of a shambles the SPFL have made of this, then proposing we have play offs before the season starts, giving some clubs a weeks notice as to what division they will be in.
  20. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    14-11. Thank f**k it's over, played some utter VL's this weekend. Will probably only do the Bundes and Ultimate, can't be bothered having to play so many arseholes in laggy conditions for Serie A and Ligue 1. That TOTS Alisson is nothing special. Found him a bit flappy too compared to my usual De Gea/Nuer.
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