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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. That's easy, it's just a typical Rangers Da Facebook/Twitter account with a massive
  2. I listen to Chapo sometimes, I deleted my political twitter, so it's about the only American politics stuff I get now apart from the MSM. Dunno if you'll like it tbh Welshy. Does Wings have a podcast ? Would be tremendous banter if he did.
  3. From sky news, this is a funny way to spell 'co-ordinated resignation live on TV to undermine the leader'
  4. Despite occasionally appearing to be a normal, level headed poster on the other forums, you have to admire Kincy's ability to stay on-brand on the politics forum.
  5. Blaming the Chapo bois for the inevitable Democrat defeat already aye ?
  6. I've been looking for this gif for fucking ages, thanks m9. You truly are the hero we needed in this pandemic.
  7. It would be a terrible wee shame if the Sun were to fold. I doubt it though, their business model of tits and racism will bounce back.
  8. The suspense is killing me. I'm 50/50 on whether he dies or not. He's a fat racist cretin, but whomever takes over if he pops his clogs will likely be worse tbh.
  9. 'Jeremy Corbyn's failure to condemn the Evening Standard's Ed Miliband cartoon reveals the staggering scale of anti semitism in the Labour party'
  10. Which previously banned roaster is Hymlick Manoeuvre then ?
  11. True leaders step up to the plate in times of crisis. How long before throbber is made into a mod ?
  12. Everyone ok ? This is the problem with the one size fits all corona thread, I'm neglecting other threads.
  13. Bad time for you to have a bout of that debilitating cringe you suffer from.
  14. Calderwood should have been sacked as soon as her Jeremiah Cole alias was binned on here.
  15. This will all be over by July 12th imo.
  16. Old Holborn is King Gammon btw. A salty old troll.
  17. I've listened to Yes by McAlmond and Butler about 10 times today. It's just utterly tremendous.
  18. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, cringing unionists gonna cringe.
  19. Is Bear Bile not just another name for Rangers Media ?
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