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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Other people's pack luck makes me sick.
  2. A massive shree points for us there. To be only 5 points off third now is remarkable considering where we were in November. Couldn't have grudged Killie a draw if they'd scored there, but for all the good work of Burke and O'Donnell on that right hand side they never, unlucks.
  3. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    I'm not too great at the game, I just like building teams and collecting shiny cards tbh. My advice would be... Turn off messages from non friends. Be prepared to play against some utter arseholes, willing to do almost anything for a win. The first 5 games can be a bit of a lottery imo. Don't be disheartened if you get hammered in a couple or lose them all. You'll find your level. Tactically, have a plan b. Try not to be too predictable. 11 wins is a decent target to aim for at the start, and should be within reach of most people who play. This will get you automatic entry next time.
  4. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Never played this weekend. Can't get shite WL rewards if you don't play WL.
  5. You ok bud ? That's twice in a week you've lashed out uncontrollably at me. If this behaviour continues, I may be forced to award negative reputation to both your present and historical posts.
  6. Roses are red Collum or Beaton ? Same old Alloa Always cheatin'
  7. Deserved lead. County giving us acres of space in midfield but we're doing f**k all with it. It's fucking baltic too.
  8. Those plans for the new bridge in full. Apart from the fact it is virtually impossible to build one, the thought of a bridge between a united Ireland and an Indy Scotland being built and paid for by the English government is stauner inducing.
  9. 4/10 for me tbh. I've seen Phil on top form and this isn't it.
  10. Sir Rodger was a good lad, but lived and died over 100 years ago. I'm sure it was a proud day for you and your family when you were made Thane however, by accepting the tarnished baubles of the ruling class you have forever associated yourself with the undeserving ne'er do wells'.
  11. The English press are more obsessed with the provos than the Green Brigade are. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7982601/Has-Keir-Starmer-REALLY-spent-lifetime-seeking-justice-powerless.html A banter when Starmer is elected and made out to be some Britain hating, terrorist loving pinko.
  12. Looking forward to a knight of the realm holding the establishment to account tbh.
  13. Can someone let me know what Marshy said as I have him on ignore which has greatly enriched my forum experience.
  14. I think we can file the Falkirk lads opinions on managerial appointments firmly in the bin tbh. How did Raymond 'Ray' McKinnon work out for you boys again ?
  15. Jack Ross bringing on Hallberg now to shut up shop. It's this type of tactical nous that the Glasgow media acknowledge and that fans of lower league sides are unable to recognise.
  16. The weather has been a big leveller here. The fact we're utter shite has also been a big leveller here.
  17. I would of thought that a long cup run would be a distraction from your play off challenge ?
  18. Meh. The gap between the sides seems less than it was last round. What did Jack Ross do to upset the Falkirk lads ?
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