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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Before Kinky and the other bears complain about yet another Rangers thread, I would like to assure them that this is a perfectly cromulent topic and is concomitant to the ongoing situation at Ibrox.
  2. Or, to put it another way, how can there be peace talks when the Israeli's continue to occupy and steal Palestinian land and keep them under apartheid ? And by 'Palestinian Athority' I assume you mean Hamas ?
  3. Whilst the US have always backed Israel, it's now going to be virtually impossible for them to act as an honest (lol) broker in any future peace talks.
  4. Owning the Libs by inciting sectarian violence and jeopardising the peace process. So much winning.
  5. This thread has certainly taken a surprising turn today. McQuade outed as David Irving. Better not say anything else as I don't want to be accused of (squints at laptop screen) 'the usual Scottish anti-semitism'.
  6. When it comes to casual racism, Gary Mackay >>> Cole Stockton. Just shows how much standards have dropped at Tynecastle tbh.
  7. Jamesy is going to be absolutely knackered at school tomorrow by staying up this late.
  8. One of the guys involved in the statutory repairs scandal drinks in my local. He's usually quite coy about the whole thing, left by 'mutual consent' and so on. He opens up a bit after a few drinks. It wasn't just a few bad apples, the whole department had their fingers in the pie. In what I'm sure is just a massive coincidence, the guy I know had his whole house ripped apart and redone about 10 years ago.
  9. More sizzling hot takes from the Paul Joseph Watson of P&B there. It's got to the point where Trump's supporters will defend literally anything and everything he says or does regardless of what it is. Trump could tweet that as he's working so hard, he's too busy to visit the toilet and therefore shits his pants a couple of times a day. His followers will then inform us that this is perfectly normal behaviour and we're all triggered libs for disagreeing.
  10. Just when you think you've settled on a top 10, another poster reminds you of a complete c**t you'd almost forgotten about. My top 10 Scottish footballing c***s are as follows... 1 Nacho Novo 2 Gary McKay 3 John Brown 4 Ian Black 5 Barry Ferguson 6 Mark Hateley 7 Bob Malcolm 8 Lee McCulloch 9 Paul Hartley 10 Rudi Skacel
  11. I work for Edinburgh council and therefore can confirm that they are an absolute shower of shite.
  12. Given that there's a large number of Royalists who also have racism and hating kaffliks as hobbies, there's going to be quite a few confused rangers fans people out there.
  13. A lot of folk not giving due deference to their betters here. Please refer to the fifth in line to the throne as His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales KCVO you ungrateful republican scum.
  14. Would have won it if the stand had been finished to the timescale imo.
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