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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Would be nice to go on and rack up a proper big score now. Been dipping in and out of this but we've looked decent.
  2. I've been in his company a couple of times and he's an absolute gent. Shite taste in trousers mind.
  3. Fine I guess, I mean who needs protection from contagious infections anyway. Nigel knows best.
  4. People have had enough of experts anyway.
  5. Not one poppy on show today as I took the kids to the park earlier. 11 o'clock came and went and was marked by the sound of children laughing and playing. Kids these days just don't show any respect.
  6. Anyone claiming the BBC is state propaganda is insulting my British exceptionalism tbqhwy.
  7. I don't think you can compare Salmond with Sillars. Eck will do what he does best, troll unionists and highlight Westminster hypocrisy. He's now got a bigger platform and a wider audience to do so. The platform is controversial sure, but why is column in the Sun or Daily Mail considered not so ?
  8. There's no doubt the man has a pretty big ego. Is he employed by the SNP, or is he merely an ex MP and a member of the party ?
  9. They will do that anyway, regardless of whether he had a chat show on RT. I'm sure you are aware by now that he also has a wife who is old, fat and barren.
  10. Looking forward to the seething unionist roasters claiming Salmond and the SNP are entirely to blame when in the future, Putin annexes North Kyrgyzstan or some such backwater.
  11. As we seen with Milo, being a peado or a peado apologist is fine as long as you are triggering the libs.
  12. So, do we all agree that all state broadcasters are bad then, or is it just the ones from countries where we don't like their foreign and/or domestic policy ?
  13. Who knew that the solution to America's racial and social problems is apparently forcing Hispanics to declare themselves white, black or Native American.
  14. If tomorrow Alex Salmond announced he was devoting the rest of his life to finding a cure for cancer and eradicating child poverty worldwide, he would still generate a massive amount of seethe from the Scottish media and sections of the public. It is what it is. Joking aside, I'm certainly not a supporter of Putin or the way he treats journalists or LGBTQ people. Incidentally, there are many regimes around the world where we turn a blind eye to this in order to do business with them and call them allies. We've just seen a minister resigning for getting up to some pretty cretinous behaviour in the Middle East. Salmond is retired from frontline politics, he can pretty much do what the f**k he wants. However, I can't recall the same clutching of pearls and concern trolling by the Scottish media when a string of Conservative and Labour MP's lined up to appear on RT. I understand that the show will be produced by Salmond's own company and is merely broadcast on RT. Perhaps those who are most vocal and critical of this should perhaps wait to see what the content of the show is before passing judgement.
  15. Smart move by Eck to enlist the help of Putin and his election winning machine. I now fully expect Yes to stroll the next referendum by a 67 % - 55 % margin.
  16. Foreign born nationals in Virginia are around 11 % of population. For comparison, the US as a whole is around 14 % and the UK is 13 %. A few extra Latinos in your area does not mean you're under occupation m8. For someone who repeatedly criticises the left's use of identity politics, you don't half spend some amount of time posting about ethnic and racial demographics.
  17. Incredible results in Virginia tbh. First transgender delegate in the country First out-lesbian delegate in the state First Asian American woman delegate in the state First two Latina delegates in the state First Democratic Socialist candidate in the state American left, current mood
  18. Pizza anyone ? Show your respect to our fallen by stuffing your face with Tesco thin crust.
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