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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Hold on, the self proclaimed 'Famous' don't even have their own training facilities ? Where do you train atm ? Amongst the dug shite and broken glass on the public parks ?
  2. For a soulless white elephant in the middle of nowhere ? Bargain IMO
  3. So you're not a libertarian then, just a conservative who is much further to the right than the centre. Glad we've cleared that up. The 2nd Klan was founded in Atlanta, with white supremacy (WASP hegemony) as its core ideal. They were burning crosses and lynching blacks across the South.
  4. You claimed earlier in the thread that you were a libertarian, yet your position on immigration (and possibly marriage) contradicts that. Is it aye ? I'm sure it was mere coincidence that a large spike of courthouse monuments were raised during the time when Jim Crow laws were being passed and the Klan membership was at its peak. Just as the increase in monuments and schools named after confederates coincided with Brown v The Board of Education.
  5. Punching Nazis is not only acceptable, it should be mandatory.
  6. So a couple of hammer and sickle flegs indicates that the anti Trump movement is Leninist and Maoist ? Following this logic, given the multitude of swastikas and white power flegs on the other side, I assume you're happy to acknowledge the whole Trump movement as a festering hive of fascist scum ?
  7. Embarrassing stuff tbh. Are you seriously putting assault and damage to property above murder ? I'd also like to see some evidence of all these Lenin and Mao admirers amongst anti Trump protesters. It's more than likely that the hardcore anti Trumpers engaging in violence are in fact anarchists, who incidentally, are closer to your own self proclaimed 'libertarian' views on the political spectrum than to anyone on the centre-left However using WWII ideology is fine amarite ? Utter nonsense, the far right/Nazis/white supremacists have racked up quite then number of murders and terrorist attacks in the past 20 years, second only to Islamic terrorism. (and more than Islamic terror if we take away the 9/11 and Oaklahoma outliers)
  8. It really is a special type of cognitive dissonance when you start claiming that those opposing Nazis and fascists are worse than the Nazis themselves. Also lol at the 'far left governments across the country'.
  9. I take it this progressive liberal guy is just the return of Deplorable the pizza delivery boy ?
  10. Gutted that I missed McSpreader getting emptied this weekend.
  11. 6/10 Forgot to mention Bosnian pensioners and poppy feeves
  12. With a centre back pairing like that, it would have been Scotland and not Wales in the Euro16 semis.
  13. This new Liff lad will boss this league imo. With Commons also looking like he's on his way, it means Hendo wont be coming. Name change coming up I reckon, Dudu Dahan already taken tho
  14. I thought they had disbanded the European NFL league.
  15. Given that maroon is the colour of a blood infused jobby, freshly squeezed from the pile encrusted arse of a Gorgie alcoholic in some dank Dalry stairwell, it should come as no surprise to anyone that 'Blood doesn't show on a Maroon jersey'. It's like me saying 'pish doesn't show on a pish stained jakey's trousers'
  16. 99 caps and 87 goals. Sounds legit. This is probably a more reliable source .... https://www.transfermarkt.com/vykintas-slivka/profil/spieler/190513
  17. Under contract to Juve until 2018. Wonder if it's on loan or he's been freed. Not played for the 1st team but been out on loan in Italy and Holland.
  18. Show Euron is just a massive crushing disappointment compared to book Euron.
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