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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. A massive shout out to the likes of Alex Thompson and the Rangers Tax Case (below) for their part in exposing the biggest episode of cheating in the history of British sport.
  2. Every story on the BBC Scotland news page is like a dagger to the heart of Unionists. Glorious.
  3. Being pretty green fingered myself, I feel we should all take the time to appreciate the role horticulture has played in the 'journey' so far. Gardening duties. Hedges. Shrubbery Grass
  4. If we don't reach a deal before the EU exit takes effect, then under World Trade Organisation rules both the UK and the EU would be obliged to apply to each other the tariffs and other trade restrictions they apply to the rest of the world. There is the issue of pre existing 'strings attached' EU deals with various countries such as Turkey, South Korea and Chile. If Britain is to continue with the benefits of these agreements, negotiations will be necessary. That is because the WTO rules only allow countries to discriminate in favour of a trade partner in a limited number of circumstances - including a full bilateral trade deal.
  5. You would think that there must have been some discussion of 'ball park' salary numbers before he travelled up to visit ER and East Mains.
  6. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/opinion/sport/celtic-kid-kieran-tierney-decent-9654414 'Here’s the thing: Tierney, good player though he undoubtedly is, isn’t the big Tuna, the most exciting player in this wee pond of ours. That title belongs to Rangers Barrie McKay. Let’s put Tierney’s qualities into context. Scotland has had a decent record of producing full-backs over the years, he isn’t even the best we have in that slot with Hull’s Andrew Robertson the best of the current crop. In short, he’s just another from the shelf. McKay on the other hand is a ‘tanner ba’ player of the type we rarely see anymore. Technically he’s the best young player Rangers have produced since Barry Ferguson and the best I’ve seen in the Scottish game this season. He glides with the ball, moving past players effortlessly with his low centre of gravity and agility key attributes. He has a wonderful range of passing, his first touch is exquisite and his slight frame masks an explosive shot as Craig Gordon will testify. Primarily used by Warburton as in inverted winger, the notion persists that over time he will develop into a fully formed and deadly number 10 for club and country.'
  7. Ambrose has won an African Nations Cup medal. Come @ me when Berra wins one. Then we can call them equals.
  8. Hibs signing someone you've not heard of is the highlight of yours ? The last Hearts reject we signed worked out ok..
  9. Donaldson is probably not the best example to use tbh. We got him on a free, sold him for around £100,000 a year later. He's went on to score goals in the Championship down south and won international caps with Jamaica. The highlight of my summer is signing some Danny Swanson type jobber, who was one of our top six rival's better players.
  10. Brexit is good. Nigel Farage has decreed it so. End of. And yet those who voted remain are portrayed as the idiots....
  11. Complex trade deals take years to complete, we'll need one with every country we plan to do business with. We'll also be starting from an incredibly weak position. What makes you think that the EU controls British borders ? The UK already has control of it's borders.
  12. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html Fill your boots.
  13. Anyone here use Terrarium TV and Mobdro ? I basically moved over to these 2 on my Fire TV after the issues with the Kodi addons. The adverts can be a bit of a pain in the arse but I'm finding it quicker and easier than Kodi, which I now only use for my SportsNation account.
  14. This thread is what Regan and Doncaster meant when they said 'Armageddon' back in 2012.
  15. I used the bus as it was the most visual symbol of the Leave campaign's bullshit alongside Farage's immigration billboard. The intimation is pretty clear, instead of putting £350m into the EU, lets put it into the NHS. It sounds like a good idea and 17 million 'numpties' agreed. Why would you think that ending decades of continent-wide collaboration on hundreds of issues and treaties and trade deals would be easy to accomplish or 'smooth and painless' ? Especially when the UK doesn't know itself what it wants in terms of hard or soft Brexit and membership of the single market etc. I have no issue with you comparing it with a gym membership, in fact it may be a rather useful comparison. I want to leave my gym, they're understandably disappointed but accept that it's my decision. They insist I have to honour the contract I signed when I joined and pay any outstanding fees. What a bunch of c*nts eh. Apparently, it's in the small print but I never bothered reading it so I'm just going to shout at the receptionist and my friends who tried to persuade me not to leave, I've even tried to get other members to quit but they seem more determined than ever to stay now that sexy new French instructor has joined. I've also demanded to continue to have access to the treadmill and the pool after I leave but they keep looking at me as if I'm stupid and insisting that all the contract stuff needs to be sorted out first. What a bunch of c*nts.
  16. Hanlon regularly used to get rag-dolled by forwards like Higdon and Kyle. f**k knows what the coaches and managers were telling him back then but he's certainly now more confident in his own ability and is much more able to cope with that side of the game.
  17. I refuse to acknowledge both Celtic's European Cup win and Aberdeen's Cup Winners Cup victories due to the fact Rangers were in no position to challenge them for those titles. Unlucky lads, best take those stars off your strips.
  18. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-latest-remain-win-new-eu-exit-vote-survation-poll-a7820286.html I'm not sure what you're getting at here tbqh. The Leave campaign (including several members of the govt.) assured us that it would be a simple process and a land of milk and honey awaited us once we'd 'taken back control'. I'm confused as to why this is the fault of either the EU or 'remoaners'. Britain along with the other 28 nations agreed to abide by these rules when it joined, and therefore should be obliged to respect them as they exit. The EU has set out very clearly it's position and has expressed regret that the UK wants to leave. On the other hand, Britain has turned into a jingoistic seething mess. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/downing-street-michael-howard-gibraltar-war-spain-uk-territory-brexit-eu-theresa-may-a7664246.html It's hyperbole like this that clouds people's judgement and actually undermines any legitimate criticism of the EU.
  19. You'd have to think so. Whilst SJM is a good player, I'd be quite comfortable with getting Hendo plus a wad of cash in exchange.
  20. Whittaker will be a great signing I feel, covering both full back slots. If we sign Berry and keep SJM, that gives us ..... McGeough Bartley Swanson McGinn Berry to fill 2/3 midfield places. All different types of players which will give us plenty options. Stokes plus 1 more striker and we're done I think.
  21. It's an open forum, rival fans are winding each other up on countless threads. If you're having issues with Celtic trolls you could always bring it to the attention of the mods.
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