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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. America must be the only place in the world where the answer to a mass shooting is not more regulation and less guns, but less regulation and more guns.
  2. Ironically, Congress were due to debate relaxing the law on silencers, transportation of firearms and the classification of armour piercing bullets today.
  3. The NRA are too powerful and have too much influence for any meaningful change. They have numerous politicians on both sides in their pocket due to bankrolling their campaigns.
  4. tfw you've been slagging off the NFL and Puerto Rico and forget to threaten nuclear war.
  5. The UK government finally gets round to commentating on the situation....
  6. 460 hospitalised according to reports.
  7. 'What do you do at work today daddy ?' 'Well son, I put on a balaclava and my protective riot gear and beat the shit out of little old ladies on their way to vote'
  8. Pictures of battered and bloody pensioners being dragged away from polling stations by riot police. Reports of gunfire.
  9. Christian school kicks 2 players off team for peaceful protest. It's what Jesus would've wanted.
  10. Is it aye ? As a casual onlooker, it would appear to me that the problem with Puerto Rico is that it's been hit by a fucking massive natural disaster. Floods, no power or clean water, 90% of mobile phone towers down, people, Americans dying. I don't think it's in the least bit surprising that some folk haven't turned up for their work tbh. Still, I'm sure the folks down there are grateful that their president has found time to shitpost about their mayor in between rounds of golf.
  11. Calm down m8, that's not what I said. 'Free speech' isn't absolute as well you know, it comes with responsibilities. Describing a group of people, a group I may add, who still face persecution in many places around the world, as sub-human is unacceptable behaviour. Paquaio can say whatever he wants, although he has to be prepared to accept the consequences of what he said. The consequence was he lost a lucrative contract with Nike.
  12. So, 10 months in ..... Yates, Flynn, Walsh, Bharara, Comey, Dubke, Shaub, Corralo, Spicer, Short, Priebus, The Mooch, Bannon and Price all sacked or resigned. #MAGA
  13. C'mon, this years' edition has been a belter. It'll be tough for next years' contest to top it anyway.
  14. Calling gay people 'animals' or 'less than animals' is not just odd and incorrect, it's deeply offensive and homophobic. Ignorance is not a defence in this case, he's a widely travelled athlete. Incidentally, many on the right in America share his views. Seems you live in an uneducated and very conservative society. Why not just come out and say it ? It's not the method of protest that's the issue, it's the fact they're protesting in the first place. The head of state is calling for people to be sacked for not standing up for the national anthem. Apart from the tenents councils, community centres and black businesses and co-ops they set up aye ?
  15. Perhaps, although that says more about 'people in the US' than it does about Nike tbh. Also, did Paquaio not say something along the lines of 'gays are animals', or 'less than animals' ? If so, that goes beyond your description of 'arguing against the morality of homosexuality'. Nike employs around 77,000 people worldwide. So around 3-3500 employees, although I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here. I'm struggling to see any issues with Nike's stance here. I'd be more inclined to take your and other Trump supporters tear stained mewlings on 'disrespecting America and the flag' more seriously if you were equally condemning of Trump and his comments on McCain and PoWs. It's equally annoying when people hide behind the principle of free speech to deliberately offend and incite.
  16. Nike also has a duty of care to its other athletes and staff, many of whom will be LGBTQ. In both instances, Nike are doing what's best for Nike and their profit margins.
  17. Where do Nazis carrying tiki torches and chanting 'Jews will not replace us' come on your cringe list ? Less cringeworthy than BLM ?
  18. Is Manny Pacquiao's homophobia really comparable to the current situation in the NFL ?
  19. I think you figured wrong. Yes because no one ever criticises other regimes in the region do they ? You are aware that Turkey is a secular republic ?
  20. The Spanish government have made a proper c**t of this. They could have negotiated and then fought the referendum on their own terms. Tell the Catalans that they wouldn't get their pensions and a last minute El Vow on the front page of the Daily Recordio. Job done.
  21. Absolutely stunned to discover arch Blairite and stout defender of Israel Jonathan Freedland thinks anti-Semitism is rife in a Corbyn led Labour Party. It's the biggest political party membership in Europe I believe, there's bound to be some individuals with unsavoury views. He holds up Loach, Livingston and a fringe Marxist group as evidence that Labour are a Nazi party in waiting. Legitimate criticism of the Israeli state is no excuse for accusations of anti Semitism either.
  22. I refuse to believe that Luther Strange is not in fact a villain in the Marvel Universe. Roy Moore just acts like one.
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