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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. I think the word you're searching for here is segregation.
  2. Tell me more of this 'alternative system'. Is this the 'tax cuts for the rich while the poor can't afford healthcare' system ? Or the 'vested corporate interests before people and the environment' system ? Just askin', because it seems to me that it's pretty much business as usual in that regard. Unless of course you're referring to the 'let's blame immigrants and minorities for the systematic failings of capitalism' system.
  3. It's actually a triangle/pyramid shape m8. Everyone knows this. What are they teaching kids these days ?
  4. Btw, you Labour bois have some brass neck criticising nationalists for attacking Corbyn given the utter state of Slab this last decade.
  5. The likely scenario is that the coalition falls apart with both sides blaming each other, the Tories get back in and we're back to square one.
  6. I'd rather have Ann Budge and Craig Levein in charge than the Tories m8. It is 'all or nothing' for me, 5 years ago I would have been delighted with a proper federal settlement. That ship has now long sailed off into the distance. I'd happily have the SNP in coalition at WM winning concessions for Scotland and working with Labour on a social democratic platform for the whole UK. It would be another step towards Independence.
  7. They could well be the largest party after the next GE, I just don't see how they get the required numbers in certain parts of England to win an overall majority with Corbyn and McDonnell in charge. Labour should be streets ahead in the polls atm, but they're not. All just IMO of course, but I'm pretty confident in that regard. As for the bit in bold, Renton described earlier the 'managerial', risk averse strategy the SNP employ. I'm sure they'd want a watering down of his radical stance on Brexit. They would probably be broadly supportive of most of his programme, unless he goes full Marx on corporation tax and the higher tax rate.
  8. Corbyn is barely 2 points ahead of the Tories who are in the midst of a civil war with a lame duck leader and are probably the most shambolic and scandal hit government in living memory. Whilst it's a nice thought, the idea that we're on the cusp of a glorious socialist revolution is misguided imo. Corbyn will never win an overall majority and any coalition with the Lib Dems and SNP (and the centrists in his own party) would severely water down his radical policies and end with the inevitable vote of no confidence and a return of the Tories.
  9. The new Indiana Jones film looks shit tbh.
  10. The P in GOP stands for peados. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/361073-former-oklahoma-state-senator-pleads-guilty-to-child-sex
  11. Banana having an absolute nightmare on his own thread after being overtaken by The Progressive Yank Mike Swampy Liberal as the main Trump cheerleader.
  12. I like Kez. I've met her twice, once when she was working for Foulkes and another not long after she was elected on the list. My partner has also met her more recently via her work. She's a nice lassie but was unsuited to being leader and is probably a local councillor level of politician at best. I hope she wins the jungle thing, leaves Slab and spills the beans on the shambles of the last decade.
  13. We're a proper fucking rugby team again aren't we ?
  14. Glorious failure it is then. A missed opportunity. Proper heart in mouth stuff from Hogg at the end there.
  15. Great stuff. Too little too late though I feel.
  16. Should have went for the line out
  17. No worries, just felt that the ref had called advantage about 5 times there before the yellow came out. Just me getting too excited. As you were.
  18. Thought that was going to be an endless procession of penalties there. How many do NZ need to give away before the ref awards a penalty try ?
  19. We're now going to collapse into an absolute ragged mess aren't we ?
  20. That scrum collapsing was predictable.
  21. Realistically, we need to be +10 points ahead going into the last 15 minutes to have any chance of winning. Big ask. Glorious failure the most likely outcome. Is there any team in world sport (outside the old firm) who get the amount of decisions the All Blacks do ?
  22. The brass neck of a man accused by 20 women of sexual assault, by his ex wife of rape and was caught on camera boasting about grabbing women having a go at someone else accused of sexual assault.
  23. Far too early for this sort of thread. Everyone knows the festive season doesn't truly start until yer da's posted that he's not allowed to call it Christmas anymore because of the muzzies.
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