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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. I agree. However, it's wildly irresponsible and dangerous. This is not going to end well. It's fine for jolly old Ruth to fire out a few tweets, there are plenty of mouth breathers out there who would be willing and able to take it further.
  2. Hmm ok then. Kindly provide evidence that 'P&B likes the 'Ra'. Target audience found.
  3. Got any evidence for this gin soaked accusation ? Clearly Ruth has found her target audience in you and your ilk, happy to march along to her flute whistle politics.
  4. In the very week where a number of Tory councillors and candidates have been outed as racists or bigots, here's Ruth trying to mop up the remaining dregs of the PUL vote .....
  5. That's not really how it works m9.
  6. Missed this last night but caught up on iPlayer today. That Tory plant in the audience The crowd heckling the Tory Cherry's performance The Tories having to bring up cannon fodder from England cos they can't afford to expose Fluffy or Ruth, with the rest of the party up here being either gormless cretins or racist simpletons
  7. She's pretty much ignored the fact that other parties, charities, women's health groups have opposed it too. She's abdicating the Tories from responsibility and trying to claim the SNP are the unpleasant and cynical ones here for daring to oppose it.
  8. Perhaps he could appear in character as Jimmy Boyle, might liven things up.
  9. I find her to be a very SNPBad, pro Brexit, pro Tory cheerleader. I seem to recall she backed Le Pen also, (I may be wrong) which would confirm arsehole status. Here she is attacking the SNP over the rape clause ... http://moneyweek.com/merryns-blog/nicola-sturgeon-snp-clever-but-nasty-politics/ 'Then if she and her party really disagree with the policy, she can reverse it in Scotland. Anything else is about as unpleasantly cynical as politics can get. Which is saying something these days' I don't think you're a Tory b*****d, I think voting Tory is wrong. Vote for who you like, tis' a democracy after all.
  10. No Ruth and no UKIP !!!! Merryn Somerset Webb to balance the arsehole side out.
  11. Trump due to meet the Russian Foreign Sec. today. Great timing. Also, was Comey not pretty well liked within the Bureau ? Might be some nice juicy leaks heading the media's way.
  12. Barely 24 hours after he won the election, Tories now dishing out the threats to Macron. http://talkradio.co.uk/news/iain-duncan-smith-warns-emmanuel-macron-french-people-will-suffer-if-you-take-hardline-brexit Speaking to Julia Hartley-Brewer, Duncan Smith told the French president-elect: "If you want to put French workers out of work, who rely on exports to the UK, the quickest thing you can to do is make this a drama. "If, however, you want French workers to do well... you want to come to some kind of deal to allow them access to our markets." When Julia asked if that was a threat of a promise, the former cabinet minister responded that Macron's attitude to Brexit was an "absolute threat" to his country.
  13. I'm convinced that this twitter feed is run by some 4chan posting teenage VL who still stays with his parents.
  14. Lets slaughter Corbyn for not taking part in the debate then brush over the fact May doesn't either.
  15. The mere mention of Surgeon has them utterly rattled.
  16. Nuttall wearing his DAB's tie again. Get him in the sea.
  17. With sizzling hot takes such as this, I for one am baffled as to the reason why the majority of posters on here think you are a complete moron.
  18. May says Juncker will find out she is a bloody difficult woman. Ruth says Juncker is a drunk and can't be trusted to be honest after a good dinner. Financial Times saying the Brexit bill is now 100 billion Euros.
  19. Big mistake from the Tories here imo. Should have led with the rape clause. It's a sure fire vote winner
  20. Ah, ok then. should have remembered this from my previous accounts Cheers
  21. Not an alias. Out of interest tho, who do you think I am/was ?
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