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Posts posted by ryanayr1987

  1. f**k me! 

    Politics again? Pretty sure Ayrshire is probably the most divisive region of Scotland when it comes to politics/independence. 

    I’m sure I have read maybe 9 pages of dross( I’d rather go back and watch the highlights of Niall watts time in charge than read this shite again) 

    I know I have contributed to this in the recent  past but this is absolutely  shite reading get back to the football

  2. 5 hours ago, honestly united said:

    Im always suprised when you hear fans of clubs at our level go on about the window closing as its a fairly rare occasion we actually sign someone via a transfer - im not sure if Baird counts (was he released by St Mirren?) but before that im sure you would have to go back to the likes of Hurst and Reynolds for the last time we actually signed someone in a proper transfer

    Did we not pay a fee for Chalmers and Houston? The way they announced it was as if we negotiated a fee for both when they were announced 

  3. 1 hour ago, North British said:

    Paton will probably sign and he’ll cover Walsh’s position primarily , in turn this allows Walsh to cover both DZ and LMcC . Of the two strikers one has to be a Drinan sized centre forward . The other is more puzzling . Kerr said a second striker will allow us the option to play two up front , So he could be a no 10 or more lightly a CF to cover the first striker and occasionally partner him . Kerr likes multi tasking . 

    Likely! The word is likely not lightly! 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    I think you might need to read what I said and replied to more carefully. I was disagreeing with the stay at home at all circumstances. You've just proved my point if anything. 🤷‍♂️

    No but her message on every single briefing was please work from home if you can!  It’s not her fault that businesses decided to ignore guidance.

    I believe we will get crowds in at some point this season but I also believe we will go into another lockdown where pubs and restaurants  will close again. Hopefully we will be able to let the season continue during that and we can all stream games while we can’t get in

  5. 8 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    I think you've maybe been watching Janey Godley rather than Nicola Sturgeon. That's not been the SG's message throughout it was when we were in lockdown. However, since August it has been down to the business to ensure the working environment is safe and the work cant be done at home. Thats a matter of interpretation and as long as they are apart and wearing the correct PPE (if necessary) they can be in the office. The government can't determine if someone is unnecessarily in the office as the government (be it SG or local council) have no clue what every business is actually doing.

    The fact remains even now more people commute to Glasgow daily than would to a football match the other way. I dont understand why you are arguing against that at all. Commuting is a red herring here.

    It was supposed to be safety measures when you can’t work from home! I understand that  people have been commuting and coming to offices but the whole point is they shouldn’t have been!

    if companies don’t follow the rules then what chance do we have? 

    ETA the only government pushing folk back to work was Westminster! Check yhe message from the Scottish government the last 6 months 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    Are they? About two weeks ago Boris and co were pushing people to go back to work. Also, its not the law, again its guidance. People are quick to judge individuals (ie. students) for not adhering to the guidelines but turn a blind eye to companies. I expect there are still more people commuting to Glasgow from Ayrshire than would go the other way for a football game. 

    Do we live In England? No so the rules are set by the Scottish government who’s message was stay the f**k at home! Always has been and now they will start to fine business that unnecessarily have people in the office and will make it law if necessary 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    We don't stop people commuting to work in offices in Glasgow. I'm sure more people do that daily on the train or bus than would go the other way for the football. The traveling is a bit of a red herring for me. If you follow the guidance and the rules then surely the risk the same? The difference is that work is deemed essential or is more or a priority than attending football. That's not going to change and its hard to argue that it should frankly.

    The salient point is that even if 500 fans were allowed in attendance it would probably cost the club money as they'd all be season tickets and we'd have match day expenses to pay. Its really all or nothing with attendances otherwise its not actually helping clubs.

    They do stop people travelling to and from offices in Glasgow as they are saying work from home! 

    the problem would be people walk around Somerset park and generally congregate together. I wouldn’t trust everyone to keep 2 metres apart and not sing etc! That’s the problem with opening ground even with smaller numbers, you will not get a steward to separate a crowd starting to gather 

  8. 2 hours ago, Roxanne's man said:

    Right, ive got an idea.

    Who's for joining me. £20 each, four ways, byob. 😊👍


    Seriously though, it looks like we won't have a chance to go to Somerset for a wee while. Bad times indeed. Nicola Sturgeon gave her speech earlier and gave indication that things remain pretty much the same for now on the attending front😔

    A lot of the lower league teams are going to feel this. 

    Though i do see it as a way to keep safe and out of harms way, I really sympathise with the clubs. 😔 

    I do hope there is some sort of resolve or solution to this soon. Feel like I'm suffering Somerset Park withdrawal symptoms personally 😅

    I will join you as long as you are in drag! 

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