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Kyle Reese

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Everything posted by Kyle Reese

  1. Jeez man. Let this thread die FFS. You’ve had your moment basking in our glow.
  2. I know, you said earlier. Bit weird that I’m still getting notifications from you on the topic. It’s almost as if you are a seething ball of rage about HMFC, and you don’t want to lose out on getting the last word.
  3. Midfield is our strongest area by far. Beni and Devlin are the engine. Will be difficult to “dominate” them. Not overly confident about this game as I’ve said elsewhere on the forum. Don’t have a great record up there, and our frontline isn’t firing on all cylinders. Boyce possibly being out doesn’t help either. Can see a draw. I can’t make midweek games away, but there’s talk of about 3k heading to Perth.
  4. See? Your use of language there suggests that you are every bit as “seething” as you propose he is.
  5. That’s fair enough. You absolutely don’t seem upset. My apologies. Thank you.
  6. Yeah? Oh well, I must have picked the whining up wrong then. Glad we’ve sorted that out.
  7. Not sure how much longer Dundee supporters can bask in the spotlight of playing HMFC. Move on chaps, there’s another game tomorrow.
  8. Seems a weird thing to get upset about tbh. Just quite a poignant reference about a great player, and how he battled in a winning cup final, despite a head knock. It was typical of his reputation, and I guess the reason it’s used now, is to inspire current players to try and reach similar levels of performance in big games. To be fair, it worked when put on a giant flag and displayed at Hampden on the 19th May 2012.
  9. Don’t like Rangers/Sevco, but it’s amusing when something like this happens, and you check Twitter, only to find packs of Celtic supporters screaming whataboutery at the top of their lungs. I do hope they aren’t the same supporters who spend their time screeching righteous indignation about the same thing when it happens about them and their club/employees/supporters. That would be some next level hypocrisy. Nothing will ever change, until clubs are willing to admit their own problems with this sort of thing, as readily as they condemn the behaviour of others. Fools errand that however. I remember when after a particularly poisonous Hearts v Celtic game at Tynecastle, Ann Budge condemned the actions of both sets of supporters. There were even indefinite bans handed out to some of the worst behaved in the Hearts ends. To reiterate, she was equally scathing about both sets of supporters, and if anything a bit more so about our own fans. What was the reaction? Many in the Hearts support were pissed off that in their eyes she had attacked her own support despite years of us putting up with Celtic’s crap inside Tynecastle. The reaction from the media and the Celtic support? Ingnore the fact the that she criticised the Hearts support, and be indignant that she dared highlight the behaviour of the Celtic fans. Charlie Nicholas and Davie Provan lining up to tell her to look at the behaviour of her own supporters before daring to criticise the ‘greatest fans in the world’. Just can’t see how things will ever change. Strict liability perhaps? Not sure that would work either though, as Scottish Football is not exactly known for applying its rules without fear or favour. We’d probably see the OF behaviour ignored and clubs like Partick Thistle, Falkirk, Hearts, Hibs and St Mirren fined every week.
  10. He had a tight calf. I’d be playing Woodburn as the CF, and bringing GMS in to the wide position.
  11. Not a happy hunting ground for us historically. We do seem a bit tougher this season though. Saturday we struggled against a team desperate for points, and with players and coaches who don’t have much love for our club. There’s a couple in the St Johnstone squad who seem to feel that way towards us too. I think it will be the narrowest of games. Possibly a draw, but wouldn’t be surprised to see either team win by one goal. Hopefully Dundee was a reminder that we aren’t so good, that we can score a goal and expect to see out the game with three points in the bag. The table shows we are a better team than they are, but I am never confident in this fixture. Could be the end of our unbeaten run if we aren’t right up for it for the full 90 minutes. We should be winning it though.
  12. Show the man a teenage chicken, and he’d probably try and pullet.
  13. Fair. He should probably sext a few children and really get his name out there.
  14. I think Aberdeen will win, or maybe a draw. Rangers don’t look that great just now, and Aberdeen are starting to click a bit better.
  15. Indeed. He’s 30 years old too. Mind-boggling stuff. Thank you.
  16. Don’t think Cammy Devlin contested any high balls with Beni.
  17. How would anyone know? His inner ear issues have him crawling about the turf like he’s been assaulted every game he plays. Worst cheat I’ve seen in the Premiership for a while.
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