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Everything posted by dezz

  1. Jack Ross has picked up a fairly cushy gig as Head of Development at Newcastle, doubt he'd walk away from that. Get Warnock in, seems like a decent bloke.
  2. Yeah, they don't work (I'm on 15). At least they didn't f**k that up.
  3. What an absolute shambles. Not like they've had since October to plan this. I might just chance my arm at 12 anyway. Knowing the SFA there's a fair chance you'll still be able to get in and buy them
  4. Got an email through a couple of minutes ago. A 'technical error' apparently.
  5. They've fucked it haha. Sale delayed until further notice!
  6. Got mine through at 10.32. I’m more nervous about this than some of the qualifiers!
  7. Get Neil Warnock in. He’s got a house in Dunoon or Gourock or somewhere like that and has been fishing for a job in Scotland recently.
  8. I think Dan Casey has just absolutely fucked himself by needlessly trying to smash a guy there.
  9. Yeah massive Raith Rovers and that mid week St Johnstone game vibes from this. County could easily hit 5 or more here if they can be bothered.
  10. This is embarrassingly bad. Who’d have thought Dhanda would enjoy himself playing against a midfield two?! Mental.
  11. We are an absolute gang. Really wanted Kettlewell to turn it around but a 3 or 4 goal loss tonight and I’d want him gone.
  12. How many of our goals are conceded from corners. It’s an absolute joke.
  13. This could be absolutely brutal tonight based on that line up. 3-0.
  14. Going to be an almighty scramble at noon tomorrow for the 6,333 FF and Cat 3 tickets for that first game. I think at last count there were about 7,800 on 12+ points and you'd image in that group there will be some that can't/won't travel or can't make all 3 games. It should mean that the majority of those on 12+ should be able to get tickets in the two cheapest categories. Nightmare if you're on 11 though because chances are it'll only be the ludicrously expensive ones left, just total fucking greed from UEFA.
  15. Four of us all booked up on Saturday night. Flying out the day before the opening game; Edinburgh to Zurich via London then train to Nuremberg where we’ve got an apartment booked for 12 nights. We’ll be getting trains to each of the games from Nuremberg. Bit of a convoluted journey but all in for return flights and 12 nights in a half decent looking apartment right in the city centre we were £640 each, which is miles less than I was expecting having waited until the draw. Just need to make sure I get Fans First or Cat3 tickets for the opener!
  16. SODs will be delighted we’ve named a stand after him!
  17. Like a few others have said, it’s deeply concerning that a Dundee side in the Premiership appear to be wholly competent. The signings of the Mexican lads suggested they’d be up to their usual nonsense, but one of them has turned out decent and most of their other acquisitions look like good business. I especially like Bakayoko up top - looks a handful. Will be a tough one today, but the late equaliser at Celtic Park hopefully gives us a boost to take the game to Dundee and get out this rut. With Slattery suspended I’m guessing we’ll see Butcher in midfield along with Paton and Spittal, and I hope we can get Obika and Biereth on the park together to try and work on that partnership. Feels like a 1-1 (if it’s on) but would bite your hand off for any sort of win.
  18. I’m guessing this is because a chunk of the usual top refs now sit re-reffing the game from Clydesdale House, so they’re having to fast-track new guys through. Yet another issue with VAR, but that’s a debate for another thread.
  19. Agreed, Kettlewell has enough credit in the bank to see if he can turn round results in the run up to Christmas, especially while the league is so tight and we're nowhere near cut adrift. There's enough players in the squad that have shown in the past they're broadly capable at this level (Kelly, Casey, Slattery, Obika) that need to step up, and those that look like they'll contribute if played in their correct position (Spencer, Gent, Biereth). That being said, I think he needs a minimum of 6 points from those 4 games against our peers in December to take the pressure off a bit. Any less than that and there may be a decision to be made before January. If we're sticking with the 3-5-2, I'd like to see us go with this due to current injuries and conceding from every corner we face. Kelly Casey Mugabi Blaney Spencer Paton Butcher Spittal Gent Obika Biereth
  20. Callum Davidson would seem the obvious one. Yogi will no doubt throw his hat in the ring as well.
  21. Ah well, as expected. Hearts not had to get out of second gear.
  22. Don’t be daft, of course I would. I still wouldn’t think it was a penalty though.
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