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Posts posted by steviemay17

  1. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Almost my favourite day of the year, deadline day.

    What are folk expecting/hoping for?

    Something completely gamechanging up front, obviously someone who scores 20+ goals is virtually impossible to find for us, but I would prefer we find someone who is exceptional at something and find a way to build that into our attack.

    Don't care if it's someone who's a total unit and a weapon in the air, or someone with great pace and movement, just something that isn't another underwhelmingly average player who doesn't really do anything well

  2. 1 hour ago, mizfit said:


    And Maximov.

    Remember that strange period Saints fans thought we could’ve been in with a shout for either?


    I mean in fairness it looks like he to Vardar in Macedonia for a modest fee, then went to Latvia, served a ban for a year so christ knows what he did to earn that and then bounced around a couple of Russian teams and now plays in their 2nd tier. i remember something about the fee when he left Trakai being about £50k so it wouldn't be an outrageous shout to have signed him

    Dorley was never happening, seen him linked to Man City in recent years too

  3. It all comes down to the first touch and confidence of it, you can see they were more than happy to knock the ball to someone else first time, while any ball that had to be controlled was pretty much automatic so they could immediately look towards their next action.

    Too often the Saints players needed two or three touches to get the ball properly under control, by that time any movement they've seen for the next pass has to be reassessed, they need an extra second or two to recompose and they've shut off passing lanes and have two or three players rapidly closing down on the guy with the ball.

    That can't really be taught at senior level, sure you can get a bit better but it mostly comes down to youth coaching, and it means any fundamental changes to the youth approach will need 5-10 years before results can properly be gauged

  4. Another interesting thing after the red card was the reaction of some players to the adversity (also the players didn't really seem that outraged with the Spoony red, they all saw it and just looked furious with him)

    McCann and Davidson never stopped running to try and make something happen, Rooney also really tried to step up and you could see Kane was still trying to put himself about, but MOH completely went missing, started taking up a position where he couldn't get in behind or be found with a ball to feet, so starting to worry that we have a massive issue with mentality and having players who actually have the belief and drive to win games.

    It's much easier to press and run around in the first hour when it still feels like there's plenty of the game left and if we knick a lead then we can try to hold it, but we dont' seem to have much when it's money time and somebody needs to step up and be decisive

  5. 7 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:


    Obviously we have no right to expect group stage football, and have already achieved more than we could ever have hoped for, but opportunities like this, to only win one tie out two to get to the groups, won't come round very often.

    Obviously can only speak for myself, but I think this is why I'm really gutted tonight. Obviously winning domestic cups isn't easy but it's achievable, but for me the idea of Saints being in the group stages of a European competition is just unreal and would be beyond anything I could've ever through was possible a few years ago.

    Both ties we've gone away from home and fought so hard to get an excellent result, both LASK and Galatasaray were clearly dreading the return leg and feared failure as you can see from their pretty big celebrations in both games.

    Both home legs were talked up as being huge games where the ground would be full and the crowd would be rocking and we could really go after it, but I'm just left with the impression that we didn't give it a proper go either time. That's never a dig at any player for their effort levels, but just the overall approach in both home legs felt like we didn't go after it from the start and really put them under pressure, and it allowed LASK and Gala to take control and grow into the game and there may be some regrets over the approach

  6. 4 minutes ago, Saint Stevo said:



    Totally agree on MOH and May.

    Rooney down the right would have helped tonight too. Hopefully Gordon isn't far away from being fit.

    Does adding to our attack make any difference if we consistently play the same style? I would just love us to start creating more opportunities. There aren't many goals in our team (Ali and Muzz dont score. Kane will get a few, MOH zilch and Middleton yet to be seen). I said tonight that we rarely play thru midfield. When we have someone as good as McCann maybe this would help us unlock teams? I don't know.....

    The next few days are going to be interesting to say the least. I'm nervous and curious at the same time!!!


    I find the attacking thing both frustrating and fascinating too, I honestly think it comes down to a total lack of conviction/belief/trust and probably quality in there too. Kane is great at what he does, but hope he can look a bit at what Karamoko did tonight and tries to emulate that. Yes his touch was honking at times and he wasn't perfect, but he was ultra positive and you can see that he understands he lacks the quality, but he plays the percentages and looked dangerous, particularly at the end of the first half he had a great moment where it was jsut head down and he fizzed a really dangerous ball across the face of the goal. We don't do that, we either try to win a corner or end up playing a weak cut back that is easily intercepted and leaves 3-5 players ahead of the ball and the defence exposed on the counter.

    We need to find attacking players who play with confidence and conviction, and they aren't usually cheap or available for sides like us

  7. It does all come back to our squad depth and options, obviously the Eetu situation isn't our fault and time will tell if he would've made a difference, but extending both MOH and May was obviously our choice and it's hurting us as neither are good enough to consistently contribute.

    There aren't many changes you can make to the startin line-up tonight, if Gordon was fit and Rooney could've played an attacking role then that makes a world of difference, while I do wonder about Reece Devine as well. The Galatasaray goal in Turkey goes down as his mistake but it was a cracking finish, while he also brings us pace and tenacity which is vital in Europe, so starting him over Booth makes sense when Brown is on the other side and he's also won us two penalties with his attacking play, but looks like he's lost CD's trust for the big occasion.

    We need to add to out attack or this season is going to become beyond tedious to watch, but more fear the next week will be about finding replacements for McCann/Rooney/Kerr/McCart

  8. Just now, PauloPerth said:

    Yes, we seemed to take a long time to come to terms with how quickly LASK players closed us down; it felt like so often  we underhit a pass, or waited on the ball to come to us and an opponent nipped in to pinch it.


    Honestly think that yes they were a very average team who we could've beaten, but they also got their approach spot-on and figured us out in the first leg after an horu or so, they got their tactics right and we didn't

  9. 1 minute ago, PauloPerth said:

    That 5-2-3 is great away from home, but we get so little football from it.  It got called murderball a few times last season for a reason it was so grim in possession.  Our battling qualities were incredible tonight, but we could barely pass it to a teammate at times it felt.  

    That's why when Spoony did eventually come on I thought great, we'll get an extra player in midfield, and actually start to string some passes together and see if we can build an attack rather than just balls forward to chase and feed off scraps.

    Need to watch the game back, but I felt Booth was a weak link tonight.  And had a few poor moments last week as well. That may end up being harsh, it's maybe I just noticed his errors a lot.


    I think he probably was poor but also the way we set up hurt him, he had to run or play through 2/3 players every time and McCart didn't look overly confident on the ball either so knocking it back inside often led to the ball being given away

  10. 4 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

    Agree with the first bit, once more we wait far too long before making a change.  Take the upper hand Callum, it's become like as long as a game is 0-0 he's happy as we might make something happen despite the opposition looking more threatening.

    But I don't agree the game was done.  If we were going more of a 5-3-2 where we've played our best football under Davidson, then I really fancied us to have a good go at an equaliser in the last 15 minutes.  But we'll never know.  Absolute idiocy by Wotherspoon who was raging from the moment he came on.

    I guess it probably came down to having nothing at wing-back, Booth and Brown are both good defenders but so limited in posession, they just allowed us to work it out to them and then immediately pressed with three men, while Middleton and MOH didn't have the space to play so there was just nothing there for us in the attacking game at all.


    You could see from the reaction of the players when the goal went in that it was over, few hands in the air, heads down and a look of resignation

  11. 17 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Yeah I was more scared of them last week when the manager was treating us with respect and spoke intelligently. This just feels like a nervous manager, whos under pressure, trying to convince his squad hes confident in them with fake bravado.

    I'm more surprised that they've come out with the usual tropes about us being a horrible team and just sitting behind the ball and trying to fight them. The away game with Galatasaray had a lot of that, but do wonder if it's just a general view on Scottish football. So many European teams get praised for setting up to tear a team apart on the counter and we did that well, while they often pumped long diagonal balls and it was they who needed the stupid penalty rather than us this time.

    My only fear is they won't be that bad again but maybe they were just over-hyped and we can do it!

  12. 5 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I was fine until about 2 minutes ago when I looked on Twitter and saw their manager and players talking about how easy it'll be to beat us, now got the nerves as I'm desperate for us to prove them wrong.

    Hopefully those comments spread round Perth tomorrow, I want McDiarmid to be a fucking cauldron, especially if they do as they say and go baws oot. Could be a ridiculously fun game if we start Middleton and MOH while they push high up the park.

    Don't care how it happens though, lets just beat the fuckers.

    As with most things Saints, it's the hope that kills you. I had mainly written this off as I thought LASK would actually be much harder for us to play compared to Gala, but watching the game last week I just kept thinking that they really weren't anything special and we should've beat them.

    They seem to be doing a good job of talking the talk, but sense they're fragile if we get the first

  13. 6 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

    Can i climb aboard the daft question bandwagon as well please @perthsaint1977 and @double deluxe?

    I have bought a few tickets for family and friends, on the email to iPhone they are in one big joined row, is it possible to send them to each individual separately?

    I ended up printing them off but thought there must be a way, as I have the same text over the barcode issue that Radford mentions.

    Maybe not the ideal fix, I just zoom in on each ticket and QR code, screenshot it and WhatsApp it to the person who's using it

  14. 11 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

    No I was complaining about an entire section of the ground being shut because one wee fanny set off a firework. I want the best atmosphere possible on Thursday night, with the maximum number of Saints fans in order to try and win this tie.

    I actually think the decision to not allow season ticket holders first dibs on tickets was probably the wrong one as well. There should have at least been advance warning given regarding when tickets were going to be on sale. That was balanced out though by how funny it was seeing the anguish from the oddballs in the support who couldn’t sit in their precious season ticket seat.

    So you think the decision was wrong, but seeing people inconvenienced has made you happy about it?

    What an amazingly sad life to lead

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