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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Do folk seriously go to Wetherspoons and drink that shite?
  2. I’m currently sporting grey jobbie catchers. The only downside is the inevitable wet penny scenario.
  3. I’m assuming Lustig had to get that leg amputated after rolling around and screaming.
  4. Its staff are St Mirren fans. Perfectly understandable.
  5. Ah well that’s it then. I’m voting Tory from here on in.
  6. If nobody can be arsed to tell them apart, just merge them.
  7. The stupid length of time it takes one of the egg chasing c***s to kick a conversion. Standing looking at the posts for half an hour whilst everyone stays silent. Just kick it you cauliflowered eared c**t.
  8. Arran Road in Perth, then Dundee then Aberdeen. You didn’t try to repossess a video recorder from Blackness Road, Dundee circa 1995 due to £65 debt caused by a cheque always bouncing? Id just like to say, it was all an administrative error at the bank.
  9. Oi! That’s my daughter your talking about. Come to think of it, she’s an arsehole so you’re perfectly correct.
  10. To be fair, I would be surprised if the phrase is magee’s next alias.
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