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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Should be goals with that line up anyway. Expecting Chalmers to show a bit more with him a bit further up.
  2. Wasn't some of that paid for from the donation from that billionaire?
  3. Heard similar things quite a lot over the last few months regarding the different suppliers. Dunno if it's just Covid throwing everything out of whack but it seems more of a lottery than usual regarding getting deals or renewals. Customer service from said suppliers has gone to complete shit as of late, or at least worse than usual. Suppose due to working with reduced capacity
  4. Quite liked Hellboy despite it being obvious you could tell it was a troubled production. Was like they couldn't tell what kind of tone they were going for so just threw a bunch of them together, and it kinda worked in a weird way. Thought that attack on London at the end was pretty well done horror with some great scenes
  5. The Neilson will SEETHE with ANGER as he is SCHOOLED in a tactical MASTERCLASS by the SUPERIOR tactician Kerr, and leave SAN SOMERSET yet again with nothing but SHATTERED dreams and his BUS FARE in his pocket.
  6. Anyone who switched to VM from another provider did you have to cancel with that provider or did Virgin do it for you? Due to get VM installed in a couple of weeks and I think they said they would handle the switch from BT and I wouldn't have to do anything but not 100%
  7. I switched to ID a month ago which I think is also on the 3 network, call quality is fine and not had any problems with signal dropping out or that. Noticed data is a tad slow to load and being one of these small networks like smarty customer service is done mainly online and if you need to call them they are not British based customer service.
  8. Adam continues to be the worst character on the show, his teachers infatuation with him is completely unbelievable. Suspect the baseball is going to be their undoing.
  9. Yup, they mentioned he was only a baby in Skull Island. Hopefully they have a half decent script for the new film, the last one was verging on criminal.
  10. Ipswich fans seem to rate him highly enough, not sure where he'll fit in though and who he'll replace.
  11. Ah okay, thought Kerr said the market was still open beyond today for those types but must have got them mixed around
  12. If he wants him available for Friday with the Covid testing then probably.
  13. You could say putting brief highlights or goal clips on YouTube would be good advertising for B&W TV
  14. They should after they rinsed us for Chalmers. The full 300k should be sufficient compo
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