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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Dull dreary no score draw all round? Would prob take that as I think Dundee will be out a bit more fired up after the other nights shocker.
  2. Hoping this new striker clicks, and stays injury free, is a huge moment for Kerr. With other teams around us picking up a bit of form, and points, we really need to start doing the same, never mind waiting for the weather to turn.
  3. Sounds like a thriller so far on BBC text. Have we had any attacking threat so far?
  4. When's your next comedy show mate. I would like to buy one ticket
  5. Maybe we'll get a worldie out of him this week. Can't promise about next week though.
  6. So is it Muirhead and Miller as fullbacks? That both our supposedly starting fullbacks, one we paid a fee for, are replaced for makeshift ones just doesn't sound good tbh.
  7. If Kerr is talking about having a forward that holds the ball up then surely Moff will be the No.9 for this game. Need a big game from whoever is on the wings from him
  8. I thought Dundee were winning the league? Is that off now?
  9. It seems like his bottle has gone in regards to finishing. If he has to think about it for more than two seconds then he turns to jelly.
  10. Do Sky still install a dish these days? Thought I read somewhere they were doing away with them. Seem a bit behind the times in that regard, surely it can all be done through the broadband these days? There must be enough out of use dishes installed throughout homes in the UK that if you combined them you could pick up signals from the furthest reaches of the galaxy
  11. Will Houstie get a run out on Saturday? Just remembered he was at Ayr because I think I've completely forgotten about him the past month.
  12. Locked Down Made during the...lock down it actually worked quite well with how they did it. Part relationshp/heist movie it was an easy watch, if a tad long.
  13. If anyone is to carry on our mantle this week of conceding successive goals I'm glad it's QOS.
  14. Always the same is it not, that's why I'm not expecting anything till late on. The lack of chatter about Smith signing is a bit concerning
  15. You basically have the league sewn up at this point.
  16. See Raith have got the results from their Covid tests. When do we get ours?
  17. Is Doc is injured then it is usually long term. How has he been for you anyway?
  18. Under The Silver Lake. A quirky sort of whodunnit with Andrew Garfield. Bit weird and filled with pop references but has a certainly charm to it even though it's a 2 hours plus indie film
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