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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Doohan turned down Livi in the summer did he not, so wouldn't surprise if they were in for him again now. This is Kelly's first season playing league football and he's doing well so I don't think Rangers would want to disrupt that.Plus it looks like both players like being here and surely they would have a say in the matter.
  2. So apparently Tarmo is posted missing? What a devastating loss for the match thread.
  3. Like Gary Harkins, the pink strip should never be spoken of again.
  4. Rumours not coming from the usual gang of wind up merchants but Forrest going about telling random folk in the pub he's off sounds like nonsense.
  5. And there's me thinking the defence looked as solid yesterday as I've seen them, even before Roscoe came on.
  6. Really difficult to win three games in a row in this league, dabs excluded. Although yesterday was a cup game, so we've got a chance.
  7. Sportscene line-up had Docherty in right mid but I don't think he was. Didn't think Moff was either cause he was drifting inside a lot. Drinan prob should have done better from that Harvie long ball.
  8. Just watching Sportscene and they missed a clear one on one at the beginning, but that's about it for clear chances.
  9. Roscoe looked pretty good when he came on though. Really need at least one more CM.
  10. That's the worst McDaid barnet job I've seen from him yet, and I've seen a few.
  11. I'd take a low key draw in the next round, BSC or Clyde. We'll probably get stiffed again with an uninspiring draw like Livi or a Championship team
  12. That was Kelly I think. Thought Doc might have got a red for his reaction, the ref just gave the County player a yellow and put the card away
  13. Forgot Billy Mckay was still there. Got the fear when I heard his name on the sub announcement. Kelly was good too, minus that short free kick monstrosity to Kerr. Needs worked on that one.
  14. Day was just full of surprises. finally beating one of the teuchter twins, scoring from a corner, a clean sheet with a solid organised defence. Thought Doc and Houston were excellent, and the new guy looked decent. Bit of speed about him, chases down balls, and challenges for long ones
  15. Jeez, doolan can't even get in the team ahead of the guy signed on loan yesterday
  16. Have to sign another midfielder, at least one, or else Kerr will be playing for the rest of season. What's the chances of this new guy gets a game ahead of Doolan tomorrow...
  17. Need all these forwards for the new formation we'll be playing the rest of the season. Welcome 4-4-2!
  18. Will this mean someone is away then? A forward is hardly a priority atm.
  19. Do County fans know they're playing us on Saturday?
  20. That was a brutal read. Believe every word of it though. Any idea who the sacked player would have been?
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