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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Sore one, especially as I was always particularly moved by his "I'm here aslong as the club want me.." type speeches
  2. On a completely unrelated note Robbo, which of these two gifs would you say would best reflect my mood at about lunchtime tomorrow? Edit:Never mind
  3. I've heard he's changed his mind about leaving after finding out he'd have to give it back
  4. So Stewart or a player taking over initially, then we all have to suffer a few weeks of getting linked with the usual list of jobbers. Most of them probably recommended by McCall to Lachlan.
  5. Anyone think he's not away at this point? didn't think so. Think we're screwed big time.
  6. Fully support Lachlan not pulling any punches with the mutant element of our support. It's tiresome seeing the same stupid diatribes from the same folk. Sleeping giant pish.
  7. Come on @Robbo63 give us the inside scoop and put us out our misery
  8. And it's the Bellrock lad that's set Lachlan off on Twitter. Really doesn't do himself any favours does he (the former)
  9. I'm sure his arrangement with Lachlan is all based on a gentlemans agreement type thing, and if he wants to go then he should, no point keeping a manager who doesn't want to be here. Still, if he does then it makes a mockery of his whole "this will be my last job in management.... here as long as Lachlan wants me" which he has trotted out over the years. But yeah, it's football so nothing surprises me
  10. 100% get that but we can't just roll over and let the so called bigger clubs just rip the heart out of the club, McCall is now developing young players who may move on for big money let's be honest if McCowan keeps kicking on like he is that could be a game changing transfer for us soon. We have a good thing going here just now and hopefully McCall wants to see the job through. The fact his contract details haven't been disclosed must mean he's either on one of those rolling contracts or not on one at all, if that's possible. Because you wouldn't make those public with clubs likely to be sniffing around him during the season. And I'm sure it's entirely McCall's preference.
  11. And where are these funds going to come from? McCall knows the financial state of the club as well as anyone. Is he really going to use that as leverage in deciding whether to stay or not. And who knows whether he'd even want a long term contract, the details of his haven't been made public the last couple seasons, so no one knows what's going on there.
  12. Whatever manager they get, him bringing back Doolan as an assistant/player would be a good way to get the fans on his side. Can see that happening more than McCall taking over.
  13. Maybe your correct but I have my doubts, yeah he has stated he loves Thistle band gas unfinished business but he has also said Ayr will be his last managers job and wanted to move upstairs, your club is in turmoil no money for buses eg and the potential new owners don't exactly come across so far as they are going to pump money in and last of all and most importantly he's got young guys as Ayr running through brick walls for him I think as he's got older he's all about setting an example and I don't think he's going to up and leave them and show that there is no loyalty bin Football anymore. He also said he's got his ambition back after last season and he wants to have a right go at winning it.
  14. How did we do in the immediate league games that followed last season after McCall was linked to other jobs. Just seeing if there's a pattern apparent as there must have been a few he was linked to.
  15. Where was "all" the blame going when McCall made the initial comment that kicked all this off?
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