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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. If any of you were not aware it would be the same scoreline even if Dipo wasn't sent off.
  2. Legit embarrassing and I demand a post match statement from Mathie/Smith/Bullen...
  3. I had low/ basically zero expectations for this game and yet somehow they still managed to disappoint. The Dipo sending off provides an excuse but they were rancid before that and the performance was entirely predictable. good summer clear out needed.
  4. See they've listened to Bullen's don't give Graham space chat
  5. You'd think they'd have a bit of decency toward the fans by waiting at least 20 mins to concede.
  6. Not getting it either on Firefox desktop.
  7. It won't make a difference, what's he going to do, score 3 (at least) at home, and that's not even taking into account what we'll concede. He's good but..
  8. This will f**k you for the next game. Calculated risks and all.
  9. I've not been to the last few home games tbh. Had some sort of epiphany late in the season and I'm no longer just blindly following them like I used to. Just been incredibly bored watching them as of late, and it's too much of a chore. Thought Friday we would have played for a draw or come out of it with a narrow defeat, but the whole manner of it has put me off completely for Friday.
  10. Or a goal. Even that would have been enough to tempt me there if we were only two down, Dipo back or not.
  11. If that's the starting line up for next season then just get the bulldozers to demolish the whole club when they move in on Saturday.
  12. Did that Zambia fan ever make it over, there was a fair chunk raised for him last time I looked.
  13. I haven't seen or heard anything to point to that being likely at all. On the off chance it is true at least the club should be a fair bit down the road on a new appointee as I doubt he's just sprung it on them.
  14. Sure it's already been mentioned but there's no alternative universe I can imagine where the club rest Dipo so as not to risk a summer transfer fee. That's just wild.
  15. Yeah, Bullen's nervous tick with touching behind his ear when Dipo's name is mentioned is classic panic stations behaviour. Said way too much on the matter for what is basically a lie. Oddball behaviour tbh.
  16. So next game Thistle will just control it for the 90 with minimal effort while we huff and puff trying to get a goal. Sounds about right. No thanks to that I'll just watch at home.
  17. Only just watched his interview, not agreeing that it's just down to mindset now, just sounds like birthday card pish. He does look quite sullen though, that I've not seen from him before, and at least he's aware of the issues with the defence. So hope for next season with it.
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