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Frank conner

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Everything posted by Frank conner

  1. And they are demanding £1 million for jamie walker absolute joke.
  2. If cash os involved get it up front. Who would trust that fat maggie Thatcher wannabe? Our club should have nothing to do with Locke in anyway shape or form.
  3. Tell hearts to piss off they are millions in debt it was the old we are pals wi hearts that got us relegated in the first place.
  4. You would have thought it would be one ticket per person as a lot of season ticket holders might not even get one.
  5. Not really compared to alot off other clubs its pretty poor tbh
  6. To be fair jim was treated pretty poorly by the club and now we are left with quite a shit website.
  7. Its about time the floodlights were fixed it seems more lights fail after each night game.
  8. It wouldnt really matter if there was a rich benefactor if part off the deal was a couple of the useless twats on the board had to leave the deal wouldnt get done anyway.
  9. Maybe its a couple of directors who dont put anything into the club thats under threat especially one who puts bugger all into the club. The cl ub needs an overhaul thats pretty obvious.
  10. Just out of curiosity i take it the person that owns the ground ( john sim i believe) isnt responsible for the upkeep of the stadium i assume theres a classic rovers clause that says its not his responsibility. Also as sad as it is people losing their job surely the person in charge of the commercial side of things should have been let go even if we had stayed upthat side of the club has been especially bad for sometime.
  11. Its been said there is to be a board meeting on tues why to i get the feeling more crazy decisions are going to be made.
  12. The really sad thing about the people losing their jobs is they will be sacked by the guy who is responsible for this mess. Especially as he knows full well that he himself is untouchable end of the day the BOD can sack him as he is only a paid employee but they wont as they are spineless incompetent p***ks.
  13. I think there was an incident earlier at a sponsors do where they didnt order enough food so dave wann ( why hes a board member i dont know) told the caterers to cut the pies in half total class. Also as much as i am in favour of the gate price slash as anything has to be done to help us as a gesture us season ticket holders should get a voucher for something to eat or drink. End of the day it wont cost the club only mario just an idea.
  14. Some of the directors dont put money into the club including drysdale but its no surprise one of the directors saying oh its nothing to do with me that just sums up our board. The reason Drysdale gets to make so many decisions is that the board simply cant be arsed so they leave to him we really need to get rid of most of the board with the exception of the ones who do put money into the club the ones who dont who exactly gives them the right to make important decisions.
  15. Ive heard if we do go down several non playing staff coud lose their jobs unfortunately it wont be the people responsible for this mess.
  16. In that case the board should have said no but they are weak there is to much of he's ma mate so he shoud be on the board there has to be a clear out but it wont happen to many cliques if the most of the current board goes then so does the benefits of the few.
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