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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Had a fudge doughnut from the bakers this morning, which led me to wonder, why is it called a "fudge doughnut", as there is a fudge icing on top, while the filling is custard?? surely it should be called a "custard doughnut"???
  2. Had a bit of a skinfull last night, a few tins and a bottle of wine. f**k knows what time i got to bed, but when i woke up this morning i had puked in the sink, blocking it in the process. cue a bollocking from the wife and a trip to asda to buy some caustic soda and a sink plunger. nice.
  3. You think that's bad?? i got a £60 fine for pouring domestos inside a workmate's sandwich. Bleach of the piece they said.
  4. A huge well done to the edinburgh capitals after their 8-3 win over fife tonight. I'm a flyers fan, we were murder tonight, second best to the caps in every department. Fife badly need at least another 3 new imports in, injuries and shitloads of ice time for the imports are killing us. I was hugely impressed by the caps tonight, some of their play and passing was a joy to watch. I hope the result tonight helps get the fans back through the door.
  5. Parked the motor along george street today, in A MARKED PARKING BAY, only to discover on my return that i had been ticketed. I'm appealing it, they said it was "obstruction". My arse, i was parked in a bay next to yellow lines, but was not even over them.
  6. Got one from tesco last week, only 9 quid. Only used it once so far, done a beef stew with potatos, carrots and shallots. Nommage at it's finest.
  7. I'd rather folk done that on facebook than in the middle of the street at 20 to one in the morning though.
  8. I'm bursting for a shite, but i'm waiting on a delivery of a phone, i l know what will happen if i go and sit on the pan....
  9. Gossiping fuckwits on facebook do my tits in. The park across the road from us was cordoned off last sunday, and within minutes all the daft women were posting things like "it was a shooting", "i heard 2 folk were stabbed", "there was a big gang fight", and to top it all off, some daft cow comes out with "my brother in law is in the police, he told me there has been a body found". The latter is just complete and utter fuckwittery, i mean i dont think a policeman would tell his family a body was found 10 minutes after the cordon was put up, and a young lad went missing recently (he was found safe and well), what would they be thinking if they had read that silly cow's post???
  10. budweiser 66. It is in the poovery percentage of 4%, but it's quite nice.
  11. Eh, i'm sorry, but he's not been able to find a job for 3 years? pish.
  12. It's not nice to see something like that happen, that's the point.
  13. Nope, cos i spoke to someone at saw it, the motorcyclist tried to be a smart arse weaving between lanes of traffic.
  14. A guy about 4 cars in front of me hit a motorcyclist on slateford road tonight, the guy seemed ok, he managed to get up, the scary thing was the fact that i was 5 minutes later in getting out of work, if i had been away at my usual time it could've been me that hit the poor lad.
  15. Not such a nag about what people write, but it really does my head in when folk sit and play daft games on facebook with the volume on full blast when you are trying to watch the telly. The wife has a bad habit of doing this, i got my own back once when she went to the toilet i turned the volume off and removed the sound icon from the toolbar. She wasnt best pleased
  16. Get to your bed mate! it's a fuckin dog, and it needs to learn! get the wee shite a nice big rawhide bone to keep it quiet, christ sake man if you keep pandering to it's needs and attention it will only get worse and it will be like that the rest of it's of life. Obviously it's owners are a bit on the soft side and spoil it rotten.
  17. No one i know has posted that, it's just when i read those kind of things on folk's pages i get pissed off with the levels of attention seeking that folk go to.
  18. "Amazing nite out wi ma girlies last nite" usually posted circa 2am Next morning "why are ppl so evil cant believe that cow tried 2 pull my boyfriend, i hate all my friends"
  19. Aye well, that c**t should have been an abortion.
  20. No, no, they've got them both in custody. One of them is not long out of the jail after attacking 2 men in musselburgh last year ( think it was on the wee bridge along eskside west). I had a wee look at of the accused's facebook page, and funnily enough he is friends with most of the troublemakers from the town.
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