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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I had a couple of folk disagree on twitter with this, but I think a freshen up with the management side of things was needed. Yeah, mgGlynn Is a good guy and we appreciate what he's done in his 2 spells, but for Me he's sadly falling into the "football dinosaur" bracket.
  2. Idiots that fling their car door open without looking whilst parked on a busy road. Use your fucking mirror and wait until its safe, you morons.
  3. That's the wife went down (steady!!) Was feeling crap last Thursday, got worse at the weekend. Took until Monday for a LFT to come back positive. I've been sleeping on the sofa, although my suggestion of making it permanent wasn't very well received
  4. Speaking to davie innes (tranent chairman) today, they'd lined up a friendly against hearts who'd promised to field a strong line up. He put up a statement on social media stating Tranent were very much against the guest teams. Hearts pulled out of the friendly.
  5. I found a wallet lying in the car park of my last job. The guy had the same name as me, managed to track him down through a dentist appointment card. He thought I was taking the piss when he phoned me. No cash in the wallet, but he gave me a £10 reward anyway. Which was nice.
  6. Have you tried Korean meatballs?? They are the dogs bollocks.
  7. Wee boy walks past his mum and dad's room, and hears a commotion and opens the door, and sees his dad giving his mum a good seeing to. The wee lad walks off in disgust, and the next day his gran visits. The dad hears a noise from the sons room, and opens the door to be confronted with the boy shagging his gran. "WTF are you doing??!!" Asks the dad, to which the boy replies "it's not so funny when its your mum is it?"
  8. Wearing balenciaga gear. Absolutely horrendous clothing and footwear.
  9. 2 of my colleagues sit and have their breakfast before they start. Is this considered as normal behaviour?? I just find it a bit odd.
  10. I stopped off briefly in Earlston last Saturday. That could have been me.
  11. Off to see madness next Sunday. Even better because the wife won the tickets
  12. Scott Allan released by hibs. I'd imagine wage demands would be high, but he might have to drop down a league If it means regular game time..
  13. Had a road trip to Carlisle today, some nice purchases.
  14. Clearly both locked in a struggle to outlive the other knowing that the loser is going to be slowly swallowed whole then liquidised. I just read that back to myself in Attenborough's voice.
  15. Even know he's relatively unknown to Murray, I'd love us to sign poplantnik now he's been released by livi.
  16. OrdinaryRelievedGalapagostortoise-mobile-1.mp4
  17. I got badly bullied at school about My weight. One day one of the main perpetrators got a burst and broken nose after I skelped him with the heaviest book i could find in the computing class. The teacher was out of the room at the time, but everyone in the class hated his guts and told the teacher that he fell off his chair. He (the bully) offered to buy me a pint and say sorry a few years ago but I told him to f**k off.
  18. What was the crowd like today?? I know the Tranent chairman and he was hoping rangers won yesterday as a hearts victory parade would severely impact the crowd
  19. 2 weeks into my new job, and I'm bloody loving it. Brilliant workmates, good environment, in the house for 5.10 instead of 5.30, and a 4pm finish on a Friday.
  20. Bumped Into lewis Vaughan in musselburgh yesterday, he has no idea who the new gaffer is, but he did say "they did to get the fucking finger out and get someone in very soon". The knee is healing up pretty well and he hopes to back banging in the goals ASAP
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