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Posts posted by JamesP_81

  1. Ever been asked where the 'torlet' is?

    There was a girl that I went to primary school with who said torlet, even as a 5 year old it absolutely done my tits in. I'd completely forgotten all about it untill 20 or so years later when I worked next to a woman in her forties who came out with it! I mean how do you get to that stage in life and raise a family yet can't pronounce 'toilet'?

  2. The embarrassing 'papa' aside that's the curse of the outlaws and family gatherings can be utterly shite.  If you, the wife and the wean can go on your own terms and be your own people then fine.  If you're some-how beholden then stay well clear.

    This 100%. Went away with her dad and step mum, in different villas, great time was had by all. Went away with her mum and step dad, shared a house, never fucking doing that ever again!! Her mum tho thought it was amazing and continually goes on about how we have to book up and go away again but taking even more of the family with kids as well!
  3. c***s in the street ( they can't afford bus or train tickets),
    Walking from Aberdeen city centre towards the GPs at the old city hospital (towards Pittodrie basically).
    Fell in step behind 2 of the cities substance ruined idiots. Heading for Seaton for their morning fix I would guess. She is clearly really struggling and the bloke that if you added his teeth and braincells together the number you would get would be fewer than his fingers, and he probably couldn't count up to either.
    She has a moment of big groggy spit, could turn to a vomit on the pavement and as you is hunched over deciding if she should live or die he notices that I am walking only 10 feet behind. Clearly embarassed by the situation he loudly states, I had earphones in and heard his every word,
    'For fucks sake, that ain't very lady like ya c**t, pull yourself together ya cunty whore or am fucking off without you'.
    Truly a gentleman himself.

    c***s in the street thread for this pish.

  4. edit edit: See also, settling down to watch football or something only to be met with the "two shitey programmes are about to start taping" message.  f**k the f**k off.

    And it's always the wrong one you decide to stop recording! " oh why didn't you stop the other one, I'm not really interested in that one "
    " then why the f#@+ is it on BLOODY SERIES LINK!!! "
  5. When there's a game on that I genuinely have no interest in watching so I offer her the use of the TV for the whole night and she insists that there's nothing she wants to watch. She will sit there happily doing whatever else she is doing, nosing about on bookface no doubt but only untill about the 70th minute when I have become engrossed in aforementioned match that has turned out to be an end to end thriller right in the balance then start piping up about how I've hogged the TV all night when she has 17 episodes of some shite recorded that she wants to get thru!

  6. The Mrs is a home carer, works ad hoc around my shifts so her work changes every week. When I ask her what she's working on any given day she insists on breaking it down to each individual job she's doing :-
    Me- what you working tomorrow.
    Her- 8.15-9.15, 9.30-11.00, 11.15-12.30, 2-3, 3-4, 4-4.30.
    Me- run that past me again.
    Her - FFS do you never listen!
    Tells me again huffily.
    Me- so you mean you're out from 8 till half 4 then and home for lunch?
    Her - well............yeah kinda.

  7. I cant seem to motivate myself at the moment.  skipped the run this morning - need to sign up for something to get me out of bed

    Must be something in the air I seem to have fallen off the wagon a little too. Had a bad cold a few weeks ago and still trying to convince myself it will be more beneficial to skip my runs! Hasn't helped that it's coincided with a few milestone birthdays in the family too so far easier to just go out on the sauce than get up early for a run!

    Sent from my D2303 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

  8. Almost all of the above at some point !! 

    When she's driving :-

    -being unable to talk to me without actually turning her head to look at me regardless of what traffic we're in.

    -still keeping her foot on the accelerator when the car in fronts brake lights come on .

    - constantly complaining about how much she hates driving as it makes her feel on edge ! 

    When I'm driving :-

    -getting annoyed when I don't turn round to look at her when she's talking to me which leads to the question 'are u ok?' 'yeah I'm just paying attention to the road in front so I don't kill my whole family by ploughing into the back of a truck or something'... Huffy silence...

    - taking her ridiculous sized purse out her handbag and sitting it in the wee dookit at the front of the centre console making it impossible for me to engage 1st 3rd or 5th gear .

    - telling me at every junction that she would have went another way of she was driving.

    - when navigating , giving me 10yards notice that this turn is the one I need to take or waiting till I'm half way thru a roundabout before saying I need to be in a different lane .

    I'm pretty sure there will be follow up posts as well . 

  9. Cheers Eddie thanks for the reply. Will carry on as I am then and slowly build up my distance, maybe mix it up with some higher intensity sessions and hill work. The Mrs has just taken the plunge to step up from 5k to a 10k so looking forward to being able to push on up to that level too.

  10. Hi all, new on here. Just recently started running ( despite always considering myself a fairly athletic guy as a youngster I realised it's probably pushing 10 years since I done any regular exercise!!). Try and push to 5km a few times a week round forest trails ( got my time down to around 27mins after 3 weeks) and hoping to do my first parkrun at Strathy Park this Saturday if I get home from work on time! Just looking for some advice from more experienced runners, a quick Google search had my head spinning with how complex running can be made to sound!! Things such as breathing techniques, conditioning training, resting, any words of wisdom really would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

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