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Posts posted by JamesP_81

  1. 40 minutes ago, camer0n_mcd said:

    I mean, I've never particularly been bothered about numbers, but having holding midfielders wearing the numbers 11 and 7 is where I draw the line. Kettlewell oot.

    As much as I would like traditional number positions I've grown to not be too bothered who wears what number.  What does make my p1ss boil tho is a team being announced/listed in numerical order 😡.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

    So weird seeing players with a mop of hair when you've been so used to them with a bic hairdo.

    Mika, Curtis Main, Henrik Ojamaa, Scott Brown

    It also appears 1 Bireth = 1 Motherwell Football Club, are Graz paying it up too?

    They're paying it up £300k a year but Arsenal have to contribute that each year as well . 

  3. 4 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

    Norris should learn to ovetake.

    Max was at fault for the ultimate collision but Norris could have wiped them both out with a couple of the attempted overtakes. The one he divebombed from way too far back and went off the track. And the one down the inside where he force Verstappen off. Both really stupid from Norris.

    Think that's a bit harsh . Anthony Davidson done a brilliant dissection of all the moves at the hairpin and the amount Max was changing direction in the braking zone each time was pretty wild, really dangerous.

    The one where Norris locked up and went wide wasn't helped by Max moving across causing Norris to adjust his line while full on the brakes causing the lockup.

    The one where he 'forced 'max off was noted that he came in at a much shallower line than the previous few laps basically as he had no confidence in Max keeping to his line so had a much tighter turn in , which he made but max just put the boot down off the track and kept his position. Interestingly almost a carbon copy of a legal move Max made in the same corner to take the lead off leclerc a few years back except that max actually made contact in that one blatantly bumping his way through.  

  4. Brundle talking to the race director about the new gravel traps on the outside of a few turns and he's acting all clever that they've made the gravel less than a car width outside the white line so that it's physically impossible to exceed track limits and gain an advantage. That is literally how a racing track should be defined! 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

    I'd advocate expanding outside out core business when we exploit everything we can from our core business first. Hunter stand is looking pretty fresh, new roof, new seats, new stairs, Cooper too. POD will always have issues due to its construction. I understand the South is due a bit of TLC.

    Player development is cyclical yes I agree, but thats something we know, can address and is importantly on our doorstep.

    It's widely known Bailey Rice and Paul Slane's OF da's heavily influenced their moves. Plus all the others we never even signed because the love hearts came out the eyes like in a cartoon.

    Don't need to speak to any financial director, I see my own bills and know it every time I'm in a supermarket. However a 250k uplift even with inflation and increasing costs puts a massive dent in our much vaunted gap.


    Roof of South Stand, approx. 65m x 33m, 2,145sq.m. 800W PV panel 2.2m x 1.75m 37x15 panels = 555 total. 555 x 800W = 444kW per hour (theoretical - we're in Scotland remember) £100 each (first price on google). Total Cost 55k + inverters, controllers, batteries, install, wiring, grid tie. £100k all in.

    That above in one paragraph illustrates more than we've got out of Erik on anything, its sustainable, 20 year guarantee, and reduces our carbon footprint and it took me 5 minutes.


    This is something I've thought of on and off over the last wee while but probably more on the 'social conscience ' angle rather than the economic angle. I don't have any voice in the running of the club and over the last wee while I've been more likely here to sit back and let folk that know more than me cast their views while I watch from the background but surely someone has costed out and seriously discussed PV covering all over our stand roofs ?! Had thought it was such an obvious win-win that there were hidden costs my untrained mind hadn't worked out that made it unviable. Due to our rather cramped stadium footprint surely every single inch of usable space has to be maximised , PV and wind turbines to even cover match day electrical usage would be a start.  

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