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Brother Blades

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Everything posted by Brother Blades

  1. I'm just waiting for Mon Dieu to enter the fray with gifs galore when the results come in. Just trying to promote another Sunday "Gold" thread. I actually don't really care about the result, as long as it's VLikington. Please let it be that w****r!
  2. I'm perfectly calm, you are the one seeking attention. Imagine trying to promote yourself on a worst posters thread.... Also mentioning your "fine work" on a long gone matchday thread - minter.
  3. Yeah, who would have guessed the only people on the forum white knighting the SDL also happen to be ****?
  4. Be better if you were a gift at the morgue, you Tory c**t. Especially if they had to unwrap you from a plane wreck. Am I the only c**t trying to kick this off?
  5. Some of us are in different time zones, so a 9pm BST meltdown doesn't suit. Get the meltdowns kicked off early, I say. The Tony thread kicked off mid-afternoon IIRC? That's was the best Sunday thread.
  6. Shut up. Miguel is it too late to change my vote? I'm Rodger is an attention seeking fanny & would easily replace Rugster as my number 5.
  7. It's gone on too long, Miguel, get you finger out your arsehile and let the fun begin!
  8. Wait for the 8. Out here in Dubai already, bought one last week.
  9. Yeah, I drunkenly arrived in my apartment block on Jan 1st a couple of years ago, pulled my phone out my pocket to check the time and it slipped out my hand and dropped down the gap between the lift & terra firma. It fell 3 floors, I asked the security guard & the wee cleaner guy to retrieve it, which they did. Not a scratch on it. Cue, January 3rd when I knocked it off my very low coffee table and it looked like a spider had orgasmed silk over the screen.
  10. I'm not a creepy looking, ponytailed perma-raging p***k. That's who I am.
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