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Brother Blades

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Everything posted by Brother Blades

  1. Anybody fancy posting a pic of this purple "eerie" sky?
  2. I suggest you visit YouTube and see Simon Amstell, completely destroy her (then) husband, Preston from The Ordinary Boys. Pure gold.
  3. It was very good as I recall. Also, Alex Haley's biography of Malcolm X is possibly the best biography I have ever read. And I include this in my thinking.
  4. What's all this about Mr Bennet & Avril? I must have missed this on one of my sabbaticals.
  5. I must be really hard of thinking or being whooshed massively- where was the play on words that involved race?
  6. I was going to comment the same thing as you tbh. Tynieness is entitled to deal with things his own way, also he has mentioned his fathers illness on here a couple of times before & I'm sure got a lot of encouragement & support. ETA- sorry, posted this before I saw Tynieness reply.
  7. I love Sunday on P&B, started early this week, it must be said.
  8. Mizfit, seems to me that you have turned a corner, a lot of mental illness is shown through being particularly insular, i.e. Being happy staying in your room at your parents house, comfort eating as you feel no confidence in being able to lose weight. Look to the positives. You've managed to lose 3 stone, if you've done it once, you can do it again. Your sister moving in with her boyfriend is a good thing, assuming you get on ok with them both, it's an extra place for you to spend time away from your parents. Also, as already mentioned perhaps you could look at a new rental with your girlfriend? Would ease the burden on her & hopefully you could get yourselves into the situation where you could jointly save more? Good luck, and well done on the 3st loss, I could do with hitting those heights!
  9. Search e-bay for the same titles & see what they are going for? Picture discs are generally worth a bit as are more obscure releases, an old scratched copy of Super Trouper by Abba is likely to be worth the cost of a cheap frisbee.
  10. That's terrible, easy to say, but just spend as much time with her as possible, if her condition permits, do fun things. It's a terrible thing to hear. Best wishes.
  11. Bairnardo is not happy But he could very well be Grumpy.
  12. Second hit for me! I know the guy in the first picture, he does look like that, no camera trickery. Also one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and sharp as a tack* *a well used & blunt tack.
  13. Isis should issue a code word to the worlds press & phone in a warning beforehand using that code word, then we will know it's ISIS, just like the PIRA used to do. For Lonewolfs, Trump should issue the codeword, and it will only be applicable if you are born below the Mason - Dixie line, or an absolute cave-dweller with mental health issues- that codeword should be - bigbigverybighugehugeproblem.
  14. The scale 1-10 isn't based on 2 individuals, it is based on the population as a whole, therefore comparing a 2 to a 3 and calling the 3 a 9, simply doesn't work. Tbf, the fermer is an uggo.
  15. If it's a "lone wolf" attack, i fully expect Trumpet to ignore this as much as possible, much like he has the Puerto Rico crisis, but those uppity niggas in the NFL need sacked. America is a very damaged nation & I hope it explodes. ETA - run@Raidernation, run. Swampy can stay.
  16. https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/mpSil9bAWqKvhK1DlUUc0Q--~B/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD0yMDA7dz0yNzg-/https://media.giphy.com/media/MAWxnzv6ZGd7q/200.gif.cf.gif
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