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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. 3 at the back against Moldova at home is horrendous.
  2. Diana Ross at WC 1996 was less embarrassing.
  3. Neither are good enough to compete against the likes of Moldova.
  4. The **** greeting about the word *** while singing far worse vile sectarian songs is the most *** thing I’ve ever heard. The **** should clean up their own midden before pointing the finger.
  5. The “Pessi” or “Penaldo” replies on every single tweet about football make me hate Twitter even more.
  6. They’ll never blame Brexit. They’ll blame covid or say that it would have happened anyway regardless of Brexit.
  7. I used to love a beef paste sandwich. I think it was a different jar in my day. Looks minging now though.
  8. Celtic have set their sights on signing Britain's tallest outfield player, 6ft 9in forward Kyle Hudlin, 21, who plays for National League side Solihull Moors. The most Scottish football story imaginable.
  9. He’s agile. I’ll give him that. Maybe he could do a job at RB for Scotland.
  10. Tell them you know about concrete. They’ll like that.
  11. Scottish people really like it when people on TV talk like them.
  12. El Salvador v US ended 0-0. Poor and really devoid of any quality. A game of misplaced passes, niggly fouls and every second touch being a tackle. It had a cold night in Stoke vibe about it. I imagine the US will be content with a point.
  13. The only chance we have is finding players who’ve never stepped a foot inside Scotland.
  14. Pushing people’s prolapsed hemorrhoids back in. Whatever job that is.
  15. I always wanted to know why he had David Goggins as his avatar. David Goggins is an incredible human being so it could have be that.
  16. I hate intolerance and that’s why I’ll never go a Currant or Tim game.
  17. I can’t imagine Rochester will be high on the MLS expansion team list when there’s so many bigger metropolitan areas waiting.
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