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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Most cities on earth are dull like that. The same concrete architecture, traffic jams, mobs of obnoxious people and generic restaurants. Canada's centrepiece is the outdoors. The Canadian Rockies are a fantastic place.
  2. I agree. No way should Rangers International have been allowed back into the league.
  3. WHO: spread from people without symptoms is rare. https://apnews.com/5a983189412c8383c74d1425719975c7 Crazy. A bit late for this when we're past the worst of it.
  4. We’re sitting waiting for Boris to tell us it’s ok to proceed with an investigation into the possibility of having an independence vote.
  5. If there's not a massive spike in cases (1000+) in England after the protests can we open everything back up again?
  6. The Edinburgh protest. White people standing in a field looking bored and most importantly following the Government rules on social distancing. Wild stuff.
  7. There’s no way the UK will hand over Prince Nonce. They Government protected no mark celebrities like Saville for years.
  8. A squad of police running away from about 10 people doesn’t look good.
  9. Chucking that statue in the river is damn funny. The fat polis from Bristol saying allowing it to happen was a ‘tactical decision’ and not them shiteing was also damn funny.
  10. The Government's Man Fridays in the media are working hard to make sure the narrative of the London protests are solely about events in the US, and nothing to do with racism in good ol' Blighty.
  11. Probably something along the lines of “We’re powerless to do anything.”
  12. Just how tall is Barron Trump? Donald Trump is 6 foot 2.
  13. I wonder what would happen if the police went on strike. A lot of the people protesting would quickly shut up I imagine.
  14. Too many Independence fan boys have no interest in holding the SNP accountable as they see the party as the only way to get that to utopia of independence. In the mean time they are happy burying their head in the sand and blaming everything on England.
  15. Is there not a law that if places serve food they need to provide toilets? Public toilets are horrible, coronavirus or not. Again, with good personal hygiene and being careful not to touch anything you won't catch any disease.
  16. An interesting take on a face mask from Boris here.
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