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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. A case of being seen to be doing something. They don't care. Racism is rife in English football.
  2. Lets actively protest a twisted consumerist system that values property and wealth over lives, but also steal those $700 Dolce & Gabbana trainers that look sweeeet.
  3. “I had the sense that a core element of the remaining protesters—again, most of whom seemed to be young and white—were directing the effort...These tactics reminded me of actions I had seen during the gilet jaune protests in Paris” Piece in the New Yorker. Interesting that your average Brit gammon loved the gilet jaune and HK protesters but hate the US protesters.
  4. There was daytime looting of high end shops. It's nothing to do with George Floyd anymore. It's a bunch of people stealing shit.
  5. Antifa, anarchists and anti-Government nut cases have a common goal.
  6. Is there a bigger collection of arseholes than Scousers?
  7. Her specialist subject is "Things that didn't happen"-
  8. It’s mostly white middle class guys in their 20s doing the looting.
  9. Some interesting media on John Cusack's Twitter feed of Chicago. https://twitter.com/johncusack/media
  10. Starmer surely wouldn't have passed up such a good opportunity to have a go at the Tories for the sake of protecting a nonentity like Duffield. There are more Labour MPs than just her breaking the lockdown rules, or he's another gormless, unelectable loser like Corbyn.
  11. Dundee is a zoo of neds so it might be a good fit.
  12. Him wanting to be Irish should have been a warning sign he was at least slightly unhinged.
  13. More protests lined up for tomorrow in London and Glasgow. It's peak viral social media that people care more about what's happening 3500 miles away than what's going on their own doorstep.
  14. The London riots were better. The Police looking on Facebook for people to arrest whilst people were looting.
  15. Talking to yourself can be a sign of dementia.
  16. He'll start next season well, play 40 games by Christmas, lose form and the **** will be wanting him punted for not being Rangers quality.
  17. For the benefit of humanity it would be good if Twitter went the way of Facebook and slowly died off.
  18. I can’t get my head around why Brittany Murphy’s fat, ugly husband killed her and now pumps her maw. Talk about slumming it.
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