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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Cummings looks like a perennial YL yet managed to bag a wife. This must be a great hope for the many YLs on here.
  2. Reminds of this joke- “The British public are revolting.” “You can say that again.“
  3. Strachan calling out the tin pottery of the Scottish leagues well on the BBC.
  4. I only recognise John Barnes. Playing fast and loose with the word “celebrity” there. Crissy looks like she’d grate like f**k on my nerves.
  5. Tyson looks still pretty solid. Wouldn't like to take a punch off him.
  6. Is this fuss really about Cummings traveling during the lockdown or is it really about using it as an excuse to rid of him cause he looks like an SS henchman?
  7. I must say that I am a tad skeptical but I wait and see how many Ladsbible references he has before making my final judgement. Any less than 5 and he's clearly a joker.
  8. Your point was ruined by using the French as an example of normality.
  9. Barcelona wanting to sign Man Utd 2nd string players are a good sign they are going to keep being shite for a while. When was the last time they made a good signing?
  10. St Mirren chief executive Tony Fitzpatrick. No wonder Scottish football is shite.
  11. If there ever was a picture that summed up British people more than this, then I definitely do not want to see that picture.
  12. You can tell how shite Halliday really was when he couldn't even get picked for Scotland the moment he signed for Rangers.
  13. 35,000 people have died. The lockdown has been a shambles.
  14. Celtic did not win the league and should have done the decent thing and refused the title. We all know that Celtic and decency don't go together though.
  15. Better off in Sierra Leone than Saff Landon. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-52708765 I'm not surprised at all. I was in London a while back and it's gone to f**k with all the local Government cuts. Shame.
  16. We need to stop all the white mansplaining that got us in this mess and adopt what Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan are doing.
  17. Hot take. Scottish football is a shambles. 2 bald guys fighting over a comb.
  18. It's the Greg Docherty, Jordan Jones and Michael O'Halloran situation again. Rangers need to sign better than middling Scottish players if they want to win the league.
  19. Hong Kong with 7 million people on an island smaller than Skye is fully open yet here we are shiteing it over someone walking too close in Asda.
  20. Thrombosis is fairly common is people 70 and older I’d imagine.
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