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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Have you ever seen rogues in the current Tory party?
  2. If you take medication because Trump says so then you deserve what you get.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's been going on since the Scot Ref. It works both ways. For every shan account supporting the Government there will be one spouting equal amounts of pish to undermine them.
  4. The Tories are in a perma-triggered state by Sturgeon -
  5. They are dropping social distancing rules on 2 3 May.
  6. I was but for clarification, healthcare workers should have free reign to spread it about cause they are heroes.
  7. Oil is at negative $40 a barrel. They paying us to drive?
  8. Correctly calling out Only Fools and Houses, Breaking Bad and Band of Brothers as shite mobilises the TV bros.
  9. Grassing people up is a British institution. Forget Amazon paying zero corp. tax, nothing gets gaslight Daily Mail boomers more riled that a perceived benefit scrounger or a sole trader paying less tax than them.
  10. The amount of abuse that she gets on her appearance or having Asperger's would make sensitive middle aged men fold like a cheap suit.
  11. Who is still out and spreading this shit around? Get them leathered.
  12. The Last Dance is pretty good. A documentary on the 90s Chicago Bulls team. Would recommend.
  13. Gervais is shite. The US Office was funny cause he wasn’t involved in the writing.
  14. Scots are voting for the Tories because they think Labour and SNP are worse. There is no other explanation.
  15. I've no idea. I had to turn it off after a few seconds of hearing him.
  16. Fucking hell. This is an embarrassment. Why is Scotland always represented by a whinging ned?
  17. Sickly sweet stories about the NHS or Captain Tom is the complete opposite to the US where coronavirus is politically polarising and being used by the Democratic media to try and inflict as much damage on the Republicans and Trump as possible. Neither is helpful. This should be a bipartisan issue.
  18. Whip it. Ellen Page, Juliette Lewis, Kirstin Wiig, Drew Barrymore roller blade and stuff. Alia Shawkat scrubs up nice. 7/10
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