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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Bernie is getting slaughtered by his own voters for accepting an endorsement from podcast host Joe Rogen. Appealing to permanently offended millennials is a fickle business. One minute your woke creds are up and the next they’re down.
  2. The woman in Chicago that was diagnosed with the virus flew to Chicago from Chin on 13th January but she didn’t show symptoms until the 23rd. So there are potentially thousands of people where the disease is latent.
  3. The UK’s infrastructure like railways, telecoms, water, power plants should be state controlled. Only a feeble Tory gimp would think otherwise.
  4. Yang today saying that the DNC should allow Fox News to handle a Democratic Party debate to reach more viewers. Democrats- Yang is a fool. I’m not watching Fox News. Conservatives just should watch CNN.
  5. How come Data ages if he's an android?
  6. Respect to Barclays fan boys. The league is all but over in December yet they still find it a phenomenal entertaining league title race.
  7. Some videos doing the rounds speculating where the virus originated with Chinese people eating nasty shit like live mice, a bat soup and a some sick f**k biting the head off a frog and eating the raw meat inside. I look forward to Brexit and importing this shite from China and having one of Morrisons’s mouse tikka misala.
  8. 23andMe are laying off 100 staff as people start to realise that handing over their DNA and personal data to strangers on the internet isn’t a great idea.
  9. Women who drink a lot of pineapple juice so their vag tastes sweet.
  10. Southgate has been named as a possible replacement for OGS.
  11. First of all wid. Second of all it's good to see Rob Lowe weighing in on the matter.
  12. There were a load of people on here saying that Colin Weir dying would mean administration and relegation for the club. A few players have gone and a few have been brought in. I don’t see where the extra money has come from.
  13. Statistically they have a better front 3 than Liverpool. I know what front 3 I’d rather have though.
  14. The Christian fundamentalists in Glasgow who support Celtic and Rangers.
  15. Hopefully. There’s too many people on the planet and we have finite resources. We need something to dwindle down the numbers.
  16. Hillary Clinton saying that she won't vote for Sanders because he is unlikable. All the #imwithher lefties who herald her as a progressive hero don't know what to do now.
  17. He's probably roasting with that jacket on. Whatever make it is.
  18. A depressing list of losers. This is why Labour are terrible. Their political utopia was the 1980s USSR.
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