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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. 3700 people are under quarantine on a Japanese cruise ship for 2 weeks after 10 people tested positive for being overdramatic cry babies.
  2. To be fair to them they weren't stupid enough to fall for Corbyn's socialism.
  3. Sky manager holding up interview transcript - Does any one know what this language is? Intern - Spanish I fink. Sky manager - Here, translate this.
  4. Coventry is so much of a dump that people don't even want shite from IKEA. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51369413
  5. The most entertaining thing that has happened in the Barclays all season.
  6. Are we meant to think they are heroes? Lets not forget that most of the journalists, Laura K and Peston to some extent were a disgrace in the lead up to the election. This is a gimmick. These same journalists will be back at No 10 soon enough buzzing about like flies around a shite.
  7. I don't even want to see Rangers win a corner. Celtic are by far the better of the two cheeks.
  8. English honey and British whisky. None of that foreign muck.
  9. Laura might have finally taken her lips off Boris's Johnson to start questioning the Government on its Brexit deal.
  10. I was expected him to get bitten and drop the thing. That’s kind of messed up.
  11. The Chinese markets have tanked over people having the flu. I used to get some Lucozade and couple of paracetamol when I was feeling under the weather. It sorted me right out. Have the Chinese tried that? Are they allowed to buy paracetamol?
  12. Am I the only person who thinks Mahomes is a bit of a c**t?
  13. A Roman centurion walks into a bar hold up 2 fingers and says 5 beers please.
  14. Is Sanders polling worse now than he was in 2016. He had around 50% of the poll in 2016.
  15. It was a clear stamp from Griffiths but I hope he doesn’t get a ban for the inevitable Sevcombustion.
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