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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Britain hasn’t received permission from the Chinese to airlift our the Brits in Wuhan so the Government has asked for help from the EU. This is even after allowing the Chinese access to our 5G telecommunications network. Being British is worse than eating raw bat soup.
  2. Without the picture it's just people talking complete shite.
  3. The Spanish game's gone when Barcelona are signing shite like Richarlison.
  4. McGinty could have been the next Duke Gekantawa. Morton should try him up top.
  5. Forward this email to 20 other people or you'll get coronavirus.
  6. Apparently anyone in HK who has flu like symptoms are being taken away and put into quarantine which is an unused multistory building. No wonder people aren’t stepping up and admitting to having the flu.
  7. Has any top Bantersaurus Rex made a joke about the name of the virus being the same as a popular Mexican beer?
  8. One thing we’ve learned is that Chinese people will literally eat anything that moves no matter how disgusting.
  9. Another mouth that thinks attacking SNP is going to garner votes. Has that ever worked?
  10. Rangers are struggling here. They’ll need a couple of penalties in the second half.
  11. Scotland is only as Progressive as this bollocks. So we’re as progressive as 17th century Ireland.
  12. Bernie is getting slaughtered by his own voters for accepting an endorsement from podcast host Joe Rogen. Appealing to permanently offended millennials is a fickle business. One minute your woke creds are up and the next they’re down.
  13. The woman in Chicago that was diagnosed with the virus flew to Chicago from Chin on 13th January but she didn’t show symptoms until the 23rd. So there are potentially thousands of people where the disease is latent.
  14. The UK’s infrastructure like railways, telecoms, water, power plants should be state controlled. Only a feeble Tory gimp would think otherwise.
  15. Yang today saying that the DNC should allow Fox News to handle a Democratic Party debate to reach more viewers. Democrats- Yang is a fool. I’m not watching Fox News. Conservatives just should watch CNN.
  16. How come Data ages if he's an android?
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