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Big Gus

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Big Gus last won the day on April 7 2011

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  1. That's smudger. The only thing he buries in gardens are the desecrated bodies of slain dabs...
  2. I'm certainly not going in confident but one thing that does give me more than a little hope is the fact Goodwin seems to come away from every "big game" he manages needing a clean pair of Pampers.
  3. Fair play, quite literally. It's more numbers than I thought that would be. Could see heavy segregation at the east end side off the Kerr reducing numbers.
  4. Don't start. I'm still polishing off the last of those bulk build sandwiches and that Ragu I knocked up. Living on 8.67 per day is ok if you are younger and have the hoop to take the strain.
  5. Does the jerry Kerr and the two tiers of the fair play hold that many? I thought we'd only be looking at 4k if we got the shed. Regardless while it's too late now a good way for non season ticket holders to maybe snag one is being a member of one of the supporters clubs. There's seemingly hope through mine of me maybe getting one from a season ticket holder who doesn't want to go because, well, tannadice. It's a long shot but I've got my fingers crossed.
  6. Wow. Quite something after your recent pearl clutching meltdown over the use of the word "fairy".
  7. This attendance talk really is the epitome of the bald men and comb analogy. One thing I do know is that the more vocal DABs on here generally go missing like a Lancashire teenager attending a rave in Tenerife when things get tough.
  8. Decent game. Babunski looked good for someone who sounds like a character from a Police Academy film.
  9. Think so. The fair play and the kerr is about 1950ish. It's one of those ones, demand way exceeds supply, especially with the whole first game of season factor. Both teams could probably easily sold twice as many if the capacity was there.
  10. I dispute the latter part of the thread title. We all know the St Mirren threads will be by far the worst match threads we endure this season. I.think the whole "first game of the season" of this one will result in a decent thread.
  11. Seems Der panzers 88mm flak cannon has fully pierced Butters exposed hull...
  12. We're getting less than 2k tickets It's less can't afford to go and more won't get a chance to.
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