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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. When the alternative is a repellent character like Corbyn then the people have no choice.
  2. I am a millennial but I do like to lecture and educate people so you’re partially right.
  3. This chap is 102, lost his family in the holocaust, survived Auschwitz and can't see his great-grand children yet some delicate millennials are triggered over having a low paid career driven existential crisis.
  4. Are we sure Boris is still alive. Has anyone seen him since he got coronavirus?
  5. Melville has more than doubled the UK deaths using unproven findings, then take other countries dubious numbers as fact. The buffoonery is endless.
  6. Disappointingly but not surprisingly the EU have shat it from China. China are successfully managing to censor outside their own borders on the back of selling their cheap plastic shite to the west. Consumerism is a steaming pile of jobby.
  7. It’s Chinese for now the CCP has your personal information.
  8. As part of a tentative reopening of the US state of Tennessee the Republican governor is allowing restaurants to reopen on Monday at 50% capacity. The 6 Democratic counties of TN have refused and instead have their own plan to reopen which will start on Thursday. I thought this was nicely representative of Coronavirus being used as part of a bitter partisan national political power struggle. At this time be grateful that the Tories have so much support from the media and general public and can get on with the job at hand without toxic hostile politics getting in the way.
  9. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/52420677 The scousers still raging at getting pumped. Delicious.
  10. You answer my question first. Why is an education adviser getting a test ahead of medical staff?
  11. Why are secondary school teachers included in this? Hospital staff, emergency services, and retirement home staff should by some distance the priority. In fact they should be tested frequently.
  12. Just watched Five came back. A story of the five directors who documented WW2. Shooting Gerries is always a hoot.
  13. A one off Parks and Recreation episode will air on 30th April to raise money for charity.
  14. The Coronabots are ramping up. I like how she heavily supports independence but has her location as Scotland, United Kingdom.
  15. The ridiculous sugar tax killed Irn Bru. More money for the Government to buy important things like Brexit and HS2.
  16. M&Ds. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and neds.
  17. The ultimate level of caring is an ex-army guy saluting the NHS with a Union Jack flying behind him, wearing a poppy and a single tear running down his face. No one will ever beat that level of caring.
  18. Bundesliga 'ready to return on 9 May', says German Football League. Spectator free. St Johnstone could do the same. They could sit their spectators in a stand each.
  19. I'm looking forward to the meltdown from yer da types when people are asked to wear a mask in public. I bet more than a few on here flat out refuse.
  20. 21% of people in New York city have been found to have the antibodies. It drops the death rate down to under 1%.
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