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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Greenland 2020. 7/10 A comet hits the earth, wiping out mankind and your chosen to repopulate it with Morena Baccarin. Would you Adam and Eve it? That’s not the plot of this movie but it is a w**k I had.
  2. He could scrape by in 2024 but would he last to 2028? The prospect of Kamala Harris should encourage everyone vote.
  3. Barclays talking about The Barclays is pure Barclays.
  4. How about Sotomayor and Kagan? They openly support the 2nd amendment. Oh wait, that's right, it's the Supreme Court's job to defend the Constitution. A change to the 2nd Amendment won't happen because Democrats own as many guns as Republicans.
  5. They thought being a wife beater was a tad gauche for the role.
  6. He must be funded by Russia. Fox News losing viewers is grand. It's also thankfully another nail in the legacy media coffin. Who sits and watches the news on TV anymore?
  7. A Trump appointed judge will oversee part of the case and the Dems are greetin' about it. I assume like with Merchan the Dems want their own judge. What an absolute joke the judicial system is when a judge can't be trusted to render a fair verdict because of their political leaning.
  8. Not good enough. https://news.stv.tv/west-central/three-hospitals-in-scotland-ranked-top-in-the-uk-in-worlds-best-table
  9. Uncle Buck Planes, trains and automobiles Cool runnings Home Alone. It was a small part but a memorable one. Summer rental
  10. Someone should run on the platform of banning OnlyFans and Tiktok. No one cares about anything else. It’ll be a landslide.
  11. Da comments. Do you need to be a roaster to support a Barclays club? https://twitter.com/SlowSportsNews/status/1666772057764556801?s=20
  12. Messi in the MLS. The Copa America in 2024. The World Cup in 2026. It’s a good time to be a US soccer fan.
  13. The classic Advanced Lawn Mower Simulator on the Speccy started it maybe. There was one button like 'M to mow' and you couldn't do anything else. There's almost too many to play now but I'll give it a good try. Gas Station Simulator Rating: 9/10 · ‎16,036 reviews
  14. Getting undone by a through ball is piss poor stuff.
  15. His stats for total receptions in the defensive midfield line, his low block and turnovers are insane. £100m is a bargain at twice the price.
  16. Neville has been the poster boy for complete mediocrity and hasn't been fire so far which makes me I wonder if Neville going was part of the Messi deal. I hope Beckham told him to "C'mon. Take one for the team".
  17. It's a car drive away. He's not gone to China.
  18. I feel sorry for anyone on holiday there right now. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/us/smoke-maps-canada-fires.html
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