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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. I had another Flavourly one tonight. Just drank it to get rid of it
  2. If it's the *** VE day, you're right. Scarred for life after seeing that
  3. 10 weeks? Where you getting that from. This will last solidly into the new school year. Maybe until after Christmas, maybe after that? The kids will go back in some capacity after summer I imagine, but the full time education that we've all known and become accustomed to has been sadly shot to pieces for thousands of our children.
  4. Yep. Correct again. Somehow I don't think scientists whose job it is to find a vaccine are getting time and a half for a spot of extra hours
  5. Again I agree. I hope they also apply the same principles re the virus.
  6. Agree entirely. I'd hate to think that that a teacher was marking up work come the end of their 35 hour week and there was a still a few assignments needing checked. Surely he / she would spend a bit longer to get them don for the kids' sake
  7. Can't wait til those scientists at Oxford university are just on the cusp of finding out if their vaccine will work. "Nah. That's me loused for the day. My shift is finished. The vaccine will need to wait"
  8. Do it fairly regularly. A wee 10 - 20 minutes every day
  9. No I'm saying everyone, irrespective of role should be prepared to do whatever it takes (and if doing a wee bit extra work is what's required so be it) so we all come out the other side healthy and in employment at the soonest opportunity
  10. When you consider the hours that nurses etc in the NHS must be doing just now to get us through this, teachers getting a bit arsey about possibly doing a little extra so the kids can catch up isn't a good look
  11. Given that I'm home schooling my son, do you think I should be paid for that? Would be intrigued to hear the teachers unions' opinion on this. (Be under no illusions I'm no right winger)
  12. Again glad to hear that news. I passed a school today and outside was a group of three or four what I took to be teachers, so maybe they were in doing just that. To be honest the workload that my son has been set by his teacher has dropped off quite a lot since this all kicked off.
  13. I'm glad to hear there's an appetite for getting them back ASAP. Thats good news. Obviously when they do go back things will need to be a bit different. Do you know if any head teachers / teachers have been back into school to look at ways of implementing change?
  14. Good grief. Now is surely not the time to be demanding extra pay. I thought we were all in this together? (Does this hint at there's a train of thought that the schools might possibly return early?)
  15. Few Covid-19 thoughts 1 - Does furlough through to the end October suggest that the government think this will all be over by then? 2 - Seems to me the teachers union are enjoying being off just now. Doesn't seem to be any appetite for going back from them and offering no solutions on how to overcome this. 3 - Now that Northern Ireland has given out a rough path out of lockdown, leaves just Wales and Scotland. I wonder if we (if tomorrow's weekly death stats drop again) might get one before too long (end of the week maybe?) 4 - Am I right in thinking Sunak hasn't given any details on furlough for August onwards, so we're all left to speculate how it'll work from then on?
  16. You'd think that someone like TUI will be looking at something similar
  17. Re this quarantine business. Did I see someone on this say that Raab had said this morning that it you were travelling from a country with less cases that UK you wouldn't need to be quanratined? I'm due to go to Tunisia in late July, and they've had a successful lockdown (no new cases at all yesterday)
  18. I bought from Flavourly too, primarily for the glasses but also to top up my rapidly expanding Lockdown Stash. Like yourself pretty disappointed in the beers they sent
  19. Yep. That "no crowds over 500" also didn't involve any social distancing. Now it seems, I believe, social distancing will be here basically until a vaccine is on the go (rendering crowds at football / concerts etc impossible)
  20. In that highly likely scenario would our little corner of Europe be the only part still in some kind of lockdown thats not been relaxed to any extent?
  21. She said yesterday I was between 0.7 and 1.0 Again neglected to give any evidence of this
  22. She said yesterday "there's evidence our R rate is slightly higher than the rest of the UK". Never showed us the evidence though...
  23. I came out with stuff like this last week and got and got well and truly slaughtered
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