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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. I know the following isn't the sole reason for our slight dip in form, but since Powers has come into the side that's now P5 - W1, D2, L2. When you consider the form before that, it can't be a coincidence....
  2. Bo'ness particularly, at the moment, with the very real possibilty of Lowland league football next season, must be wondering why it took them so long.
  3. That article that's in the Record says there was a meeting. Reading between the lines it seems Shankland has assured us he'll stay - however presumably on the proviso that the club will accept an offer in the summer over x £million pounds.
  4. Aye, cause so many of his passes don't go much further than 5 yards. Likes to go deep to get the ball, then does the simplest of passes to someone standing beside him. His role is hardly the most challenging of tasks. Like is say, when asked to do a more adventorous pass, the end result on a few occasions was embarrasing. (there was one to Liam Smith down the right side in the closing minutes, that not even Usain Bolt in his prime would have got to). I would gladly be proved wrong though
  5. In another thread I've gave Powers a bit of stick. Seems I'm ploughing a lone furrow with this one. His passing last night was atrocious if he ventured beyond anything longer than 5 yards (Sporle literally had to catch one of his passes it was that bad). I'd also note 4 matches played with him in the side, and just the one victory. Hope to be proven wrong in time, but so far I'm not impressed. However seen others raving about him, so maybe its me wrong...
  6. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-transfer-news/lawrence-shankland-staying-dundee-united-21385577 In what's been a month of uncertaintity, and almost what has at times seemed a concerted effort by the press to unsettle, good to see some postive news re Shanks. Still an anxious wait til midnight on Friday anwyay
  7. He'll be injured again before too long. Wouldn't worry too much about thay.
  8. I should say, that's a very negative post I've put there. Over the two games we've ran a good Premier league team close. A few changes needed to the side for next season no doubt, but nothing for us to be too down about.
  9. Poor from Neilson leaving Watson out the side (unless he had a knock). The stats are there to be seen. We came close to breaking the club record for minutes without losing a goal with Watson at CH. Now we're back to Connolly / Reynolds we're shipping goals again - the goals we lost tonight were shocking. To lose one goal from a corner is poor, but two is appalling. Also had, as yet, to convinced one way or the other on Powers. Was decent v Partick on his debut. Some middling to abject performances since then, but tonight was just awful. He can pass a ball 5 yards no bother, (so can my mum), but anything above that and we don't see the ball again. FFS Sporle had to catch one of his passes.
  10. Took the game in as a neutral with my 5 year old son. (so I assume he isn't counted among the 148. taking it up to 149 at least) Agree with you in thinking there were more, my thoughts were 200 - 220 or thereabouts
  11. The sub, Cranshaw (?) looks a good player on this evidence. As for Dundee's other players...
  12. Thanks. for that. I'd assumed that there must be something there, as otherwise the game wouldn't go ahead. Presumably, as you say, much easier to pick out at the game itself
  13. Whats the deal with touchlines, 18yd box, 6 yd box, penalty spot here? Watched the video a couple of times and can't see any evidence of any!
  14. Steven W


    Ah! I was unaware of that. Glad to hear they're renewing that surface as it was getting in a bit of a state. Talking to Brian McNaughton once, he did concede that it maybe actually helps them, so the team themself might miss it
  15. Steven W


    I noticed that had St. Mirren v Broxburn went to a replay, that match was scheduled for Livingston. That would have been on the basis of safety though (although Albyn Park could, in my opinion, easily handle a crowd of circa 2500), so matches can be moved. Recreation Park can safely host BSC V Hibs/Dundee Utd, so the moving of it to Glasgow would be for no other reason than to play it in their home city - like yourself, not sure if thats permissable or not. Or if the club have any desire to either for that matter
  16. Steven W


    Was an odd, and most probably ill informed question by Jonathon Sutherland. But I do wonder if BSC might make efforts to play the game in Glasgow - Firhill is available that weekend. I assume BSC's contract with Alloa would only cover league matches, so there may be an avenue for them to play the game closer to 'home' should they wish?
  17. Not read through the whole thread, but thought I'd offer my brief thoughts (from a United perspective) on the game. Glass and Connolly were excellent for us, but the others (suppose you could make a case for Siegrist) were off their game. I felt Glass could have had a go at goal from 20 yards a few times (as he's been doing at Cove) , but maybe that will come with some game time. Will be a different side next week as suspect the injuries we picked up will keep those guys out a week or two. Added to Butcher's suspension, Neilson might have to pick an unusual team. Sporle didn't cover himself in glory after finally getting a start. The QoS right back was booked early on, yet was rarely put under pressure. Another who finally got a chance (albeit short) was Smith - again failed to deliver. Great to get another 3 points on the board, that over the piece I felt we just deserved
  18. King came on for the last few minutes v Alloa. At one point he picked the ball up in midfield and had acres of space in front of him. When he should have been looking to drive on in the box with real purpose, instead he was hesitant and couldn't wait to get rid of the ball. Looks to me like has zero confidence just now, and I wonder if introducing him for the last few minutes of some games is Neilson's means of trying to build up some confidence. There must, or at least once was, be a decent player in there fro Swansea to have paid a fee for him and to have been capped at u18, u19 and u21 levels. A loan move for the second half of the season might serve him well.
  19. What exactly happened at that short corner that United made a complete hash of in the first half. Couldn't quite see from where I was sat. Guessing the player (can't remember who - Staunton or Clark I think) who received the ball was offside? Either way it quite embarrassing, but a little amusing. Noticed the linesman having a chuckle
  20. On the face of it it was a big bold move doing all three subs at one time, but as you say, Linn and Kader off was a wrong move. As a United fan to see them removed was no bad thing.
  21. Quick post on my thoughts of today's game. Arbroath very unlucky to get nothing from the game. Aside from minute zero to ten, they were the better team. Surprised to see others post that the penalty was a dive / undeserved. From my vantage point in the stand, it looked a stonewaller. Will be interesting to see it on YouTube / TV. My first time at Gayfield since 1994 - doubt it's changed at all since then, and all the better for it.
  22. Morton have tweeted that no inspection is planned. Although I remember Dunfermline tweeting simliar back in March
  23. Will that make it onto YouTube? Was a great finish as you say, and would like to see it again
  24. Took this game in as a neutral. I actually thought Edinburgh were the better team today, but Queens' keeper was rarely troubled. Great finish for Queens' second goal. Was impressed by Edinburgh's no. 10. He came within inches of doing a Leigh Griffiths (right end of the ground too) Did the Edinburgh keeper get a head on that corner at the end? Was willing him to score as never seen that before. Nice wee day out at Hampden, although took me hours to thaw out after it!
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