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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. Absolutely not! I share the same opinion on Johnson as you. However there needs to be a briefing with a bit more positivty sometime, just to give us all a little hope. Knowing what she knew about the app I would have to thought yesterday may have been an opportunity. Like I say, merely my opinion
  2. I think the fawning element is what I'm getting at. Just my opinion, but a bit of fawning from NS might not be a bad thing
  3. On the whole I'd agree with you that they should be realistic in the briefings. Just felt like that while the UK one yesterday went on about the app and how it was an "exciting" development (and in fairness I think it is), NS was telling us we'd be using "good old fashioned" test, trace and isolate. However, I note this morning Jason Leitch is now speaking about a Scottish version of this app, but quite how this couldn't have been mentioned yesterday I don't know? (Sometimes I wonder if there's an understanding behind the scenes between Scotland and UK about who gets to reveal big news first).
  4. That's not what I said or meant as well you know
  5. Aye. Like I say, NS could do with giving us Scots something a bit more positive and meaningful to hang on to before everyone ends up like me!
  6. Aye. Like I say, NS could do with giving us Scots something a bit more positive and meaningful to hang on to before everyone ends up like me!
  7. NS is very much erring on the cautious side - possibly with good reason. Will be interesting to see how today's briefing goes. The UK one yesterday felt fairly upbeat - I think it's time we got something with a similar feel to it. Getting to be hard work hearing the same 'Stay Home, Save Lives' message everyday
  8. There would surely be absolutely no reason not to have it? Health is a devolved matter. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-52533449 In among here NS speaks about "old-fashioned contact tracing" was still going to be key. In her briefing today she was noticeably less enthusiastic about an app in comparison to the UK one. I'm sure we'll get it, but quite possibly a little later than down south.
  9. Not convinced we'll have it in Scotland (at least not at the same time as England).
  10. This app thats been spoken about and trialled from tomorrow does seem an exciting development. But I'm not sure we're going to get it in Scotland. I see Nicola Sturgeon spoke about 'good old fashioned contact tracing' - I'd be very disappointed if that's how it goes
  11. Earlier I posted that I had worries that Test, Trace, Isolate would mean the football would be up the spout, but I only skimmed over the details of the document. On reflection football should be ok then, as players are never within 2 metres of one another for anything more than a few seconds. (Changing rooms and transport to away games will need to be looked at right enough)
  12. Read a little about this 'Test, Trace, Isolate, Support' method that's going to be used. If I'm reading it right if you've been in the near vicinity of someone who tests positive you need to isolate for 14 days. I'm thinking that could be the new season for the football jiggered (likewise all sport). If one player were to test positive, the whole team would need to isolate 14 days. Probably the team they played the week before too. Hope I'm very wrong though
  13. Thanks for your reply. I can only use my own experience - I have a 5 year old son whose brain must be turning to mush with all this. I guess having two children with special needs is fairly atypical? I'm certainly not aware of a similar situation in my son's school. If we were to follow England's lead with June 1st (I know full well we won't) that's still a few weeks away giving us plenty time to get things set up for going forward. I suspect the same issues that would exist in early June will still be there in late August - somewhere along the line we're going to have to go for it, so I'd have thought June 1st would be achievable. We've been very pro-active with his schooling, eased no doubt by a pro-active teacher. That said she replies to the on-line tasks she sets him very quickly, making me wonder just how many replies she gets herself from the other kids / parents. I'm surprised to hear you're not allowed to use Twitter. The schools here (Falkirk) have quite a big Twitter presence. Anyway, as I said before just my own opinion. Also a wee word of thanks for teaching the nation's kids (from experience of the last six weeks, it can't be easy!)
  14. I bought a case of this yesterday direct from Edinburgh Beer Factory. Made the order at 11:50am and delivered to my door before 3pm (about 25 miles away) for free. Really good beer that one. Had no idea you could pick it up in Lidl
  15. I think you're right. The schools pack up for holiday late June up here so we'll probably just eek it out til they go back in August. I personally think that if the primary schools are good to go back 1st June in England, then presumably it'd be equally 'safe' to do so up here. The kids are going to have to go back sometime, and a wee three week session prior to the holidays would be great for them. We'd also get the opportunity to see if their return leads to an upturn or not in infection rates while they're off. But that's just my own opinion
  16. Yep. Beginning to think we could see a situation where the rest of the UK is relaxing the lockdown to some extent (it kind of has already), and us Scots still stuck in the house.
  17. I'd be a very grateful recipient (if Savage Henry's are all gone). A nice lift in these weird times
  18. In fairness to myself I'm merely reacting to what I'm reading in the news. Just in the last 24 hours; Germany already looking to go back on their relaxation of their lockdown. The UN predicting 1.5bn people will lose their livelihoods. Professor Kennington (sic) saying he wouldn't bet on their ever being a vaccine UK deaths now over 26k
  19. This will only end when a vaccine is found - if indeed one is ever found
  20. Don't get the feeling we'll (as in UK) be doing that. If anything our lockdown will be getting extended
  21. Not yet, but probably will somewhere along the line. Currently furloughed which is probably a pre-curser to redundancy. Of course, this is far from unique to me and will be repeated the world over
  22. This is fucked innit. The job's fucked. Posted a few weeks ago you'll be either jobless and homeless or just simply dead. Nothing changed to make me think otherwise. I'm seeing talk of another Great Depression now gaining traction.
  23. Wonder if the face covering thing that the FM has come out with is a prelude to the first step of easing the lockdown restrictions?
  24. Knew I'd get a reply like that when I wrote it out
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