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Jack Reed

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Everything posted by Jack Reed

  1. He says in his statement that he can't commit to full time training, don't know where this desire for a conspiracy is coming from when there's a very reasonable response given by Fitz and the club. Don't know much about Colin Cameron but if it means bringing in someone else who can coach full time rather than just the manager and Crighton then that's an upgrade in my book. As for the reserves game since when do people genuinely care about their results over player development apart from when they want a moan? From what I can see it's the only loss this season for them too so right enough there must be something seriously not right at our club. There we go wrong again,I only read the club statement sorry I never seen fitz's statement ,
  2. Don't suppose we will ever know the reason for Fitz leaving ,my guess is he has been punted ,seems it has been in the pipeline ,if Colin Cameron's name is being linked to his job ,but seen nothing on official site as yet ,have a feeling something not right with our club .we don't seem to be able to take a step forward ,I see the future got beat 3-0 by Livi last night .happy days right enough .
  3. Colin Cameron is he not assistant to a another ex diamond in the lowland league .might be a good shout though .
  4. Seem to remember going up to Peterhead for a midweek game , we beat them that night ,as they were shouting abuse and how Ayr would beat us next game , I take it must have been a play off ,maybe the year we beat Ayr then Dumbarton gave us a going over in final of play off ????
  5. Going by the few posts on our site ,not much interest on our win yesterday .hard place to go and get 3 points .
  6. Good 3points ,now would be a good time to bring in a couple of good loan player if we can,you can se our problem with our stats ,that has got to be a worry for manager .
  7. Another 18 year old defender signed for to boost the reserves,just what we are crying out for ,you could not make it up .what about a big boost for the first team ,sign a proper striker .
  8. Think most of us thought it was a bit harsh,went against us in the past ,decisions even out over season .
  9. The players we sign seem to have been playing well for their club but in the position they play well at ,Gallagher doesn't know where he is going next ,obvious to all apart from manager he will never perform to his best out wide ,what has McCann done to deserve being left on bench ,signings for the future what a load of crap ,like other prospects we had they are all away to pastures new .
  10. Aye, spot on ,when your goal difference is a minus , you can neither score or defend , going to be a long season ,
  11. Have their own businesses to run ,I trust they run them better than they run us on the field .Its all very well being nice and cosy of the field with various activities,but to me anyway I would like them to concentrate on the first team's performance or has it escaped the D O F that we are a very poor side and not looking to improve in the short term .
  12. The goals we lost were a joke ,shocking defending,in the end we were unlucky not to win though ,it's not a surprise that the teams above us have the best striking power .manager talks every week obout our quality ,the first half yesterday was as bad as we have been in a few years ,If that was the managers idea of setting us up to attack ,I fail to see it .Got to think hard about going to Peterhead ,they do need our support but it's a hard watch .
  13. If we play like we did in the first half against most teams in this league we will be that far down we will never comeback we were lucky it was Stranraer ,to many boys just not at the races , we would be aswell shoving Wedderburn upfront punting high ball and trying to feed off any ball he wins ,at least it would be a plan because we do not have one at moment,where does this manager get his plan for the team ,surely you cannot defend him again ,
  14. Wedderburn and Roy back in starting line up ,Manager gives every one a game ,It's maybe not what Wedderburn and Roy have done to deserve place ,it's maybe what the players that were playing have not done to be kept in side ,just a thought ,
  15. Last post was meant to read ,not all ,but most of the players that were brought in are decent players ,
  16. To be fair most ,not all the boys brought in are decent players it's what has happened to them when they start playing here ,manager can't keep blaming the quality on the park most week on the players,games in this league with us mostly anyway are one goal decides ,we need to get stuck in more ,effort then more effort will win games in this league ,think we really need a lot more support for Smith upfront to give us a chance ,
  17. It's a bad job when we have played as many games and still have not a clue what our best team is ,McCann was outstanding against us at left back but there again so is every others teams left back ,we have nobody than can ask questions of them ,same on the right side ,in fact are we any better than we where the last couple of seasons ,Personaly I thought we were ,not so sure now .
  18. It will be bypassed the way it was at east fife , we have quantity not quality
  19. Roy in front of Gallagher up front ,some one else thinking like the manager ,let's change it ,
  20. Sandy Stewart takes charge of Ayr ,as McCall goes to Thistle .strange one .
  21. You would think that we do not need to play so defensive in this league ,but reality is our players are of this low standard at best ,as they are showing every week ,aye we beat Dumbarton very lucky ,the Irish team aswell it was their second team .every game except in the second half of the Clyde game as someone else pointed out we have struggled ,It is the managers team now ,we expect better ,
  22. We never laid a glove on Raith (managers words ) no no use blaming defence ,midfield,or up front ,subs came on changed nothing ,worrying thing is the units bad we are not a good team or anything like it ,that game yesterday was like watching a replay of last season or season before ,something has got to change and quick if we are to finish top 4 ,it's a bad day when we are a hybrid unit with as many full time players and are worrying about finishing top 4 in this league .we are just not Airdrie .
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