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Posts posted by BishopLenBrennan

  1. 14 hours ago, madton said:

    Fair enough.

    Wouldn't have said he was atrocious at Patrick, ( I wasn't at Ayr). He started at left mid to accommodate Tidser at left back and once we changed that, we absolutely dominated the rest of the game and can't remember him doing much wrong at all.

    Either way, lets see how he does in the first few games, I'm hopeful he will be fine!

    While he wasn't helped at all by the half-baked 3-5-2 shape down at Ayr, Iredale was really poor. Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt and attribute his positional sense to the 3-5-2 shape, he was poor. Ayr began specifically targeting his side and turned the game around when they did, that wasn't coincidental. As good an attacking full-back as he may be, I don't want him providing all our width on the left hand side if Ayr is anything to go by.

    Iredale has potential and has clear positive attacking attributes, and as mentioned above he has time on his side, but I would rather have a more experienced left-back with Strapp going out to a League One club on loan. It's a massive responsibility to place on a young player who is still adapting to life and football in Scotland, and the potential negative impact could curtail any potential he does have. Hopefully he can adapt quickly (as he has done to the left back position in general thus far) and can prove me wrong, but I can see it becoming a recurring issue over the course of the season.

  2. In terms of entertainment, that was one of the best tournaments for a while. De Zwann's run was outstanding, and that semi final he played against Gary was darts at its very best.

    As much as I like/rate Van Gerwen, having him wiped out early definitely helped the tournament as a whole.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Mark Russell is on trial with us. He failed a trial at St Johnstone. What's he like?

    Why did he leave you/get punted?

    Defensively he's decent, but prone to lapses of concentration. He used to offer some excellent attacking runs from full back, but as mentioned above they have become a rarity.

    He had potential a couple of years ago, but he's never recovered from getting chopped and changed position under Duffy. As a very cheap back-up option then maybe you could get something out of him, but given we'd be due compensation I wouldn't recommend it. He's not good enough, or displayed enough potential recently, to merit a fee.

  4. 27 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Imo the young guy is simply doing what most young footballers do nowadays but it still doesn’t make it right. I don’t think he meant anything bad by the tweet but it gives off the indication that he’s only out for himself.

    I agree to a certain extent to what you’re saying about Keenan and he was always a bit of a loose cannon but as I said I don’t think that’s the kind of thing he would’ve done as a young player. From an Ayr perspective I don’t think I could call him unprofessional. Just a bit mental.

    If he didn't point out that he was disappointed in the tweet then that case would be stronger, but that's not the case. A young player is allowed to be delighted at signing a full time contract and scoring a debut goal (especially given he's a full back) and I'd be surprised if he didn't comment on it. I think it only gives off that impression if you're being obtuse and are looking to interpret it that way. 

    Maybe he wouldn't have tweeted anything like that post match. But someone who had to be physically put to bed, because he was so drunk he couldn't stand, a few hours before a training session has no right to question anyone's professionalism. He also doesn't get to whine about getting snarly replies from Morton fans when he's trying his upmost to be seen as a Twitter personality.

  5. 1 minute ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Keenan talks a fair amount of shite on Twitter but he’s absolutely right in what he’s saying.

    I disagree. I think the tweet has been taken completely out of context for the purpose of garnering attention on Twitter. That aside however, if a player does merit having his professionalism questioned then Dean Keenan is the last person who should be doing it.

  6. Despite his obvious ambition to stay front and centre of Morton fans' thoughts, Scott McLaughlin has been an absolute irrelevance for years now. The fact that he still jibes at us on Twitter shows his utter desperation to remain relevant, and shows him up for the jumped up wee c**t he is. Here are my memories of his tenure at Morton;

    McLaughlin started off his career in a decent enough fashion in the loan spell and I was happy enough, if not overwhelmed, that he joined permanently. He had good energy but lacked any sort of ability to read the game or positional awareness. Him stating in the podcast that he never considered himself a holding midfielder probably supports that. In the season with Gretna in the league, once we fell away from chasing Gretna he just seemed to vanish. In the run of games leading up to the playoffs he was horrendous; shitting out of tackles, not bothering to track runners, barking orders at far better players than himself and regularly taking charge of set pieces (again at the expense of far better players) only to see his delivery fail spectacularly, were just some of his dislikeable traits. Combine this with his horrendous attitude and he was quickly called out on this by supporters.

    When McLaughlin talks about the ruptures with the fans, it's important to give a bit of context. This was in the aftermath of the betting scandal, which absolutely tore the club apart at the seams. The boardroom, the staff and management and the supporters were all absolutely fuming and blaming the other groups for the issues at the club. I'd argue that some of the issues we see among the Morton fanbase stem back to the betting scandal, although I know the Morton fanbase has always had a fractious element. At this point in time, Jim McInally was creating a siege mentality in the dressing room that caused a severe disconnect between the club and the fans. When you combine this atmosphere and the recent history of the club with us festering in the Second Division despite being a full-time club, it was pretty obvious that things at Morton was rotten to the core. This wasn't helped by reports coming from the training ground of some less than professional shenanigans like players turning up drunk and having naked table tennis tournaments and it became pretty obvious that McInally was not up to the job. It became pretty apparent that the chairman was not going to sack McInally no matter the results, so the supporters became more and more vocal until McInally's role was absolute untenable. He was correctly hounded out of the club and replaced.

    I still maintain, while I remember McLaughin getting it tight, that the abuse wasn't as constant or visceral as he describes it in the podcast. While he was at the club he was criticised because he was playing poorly and looked like he didn't give a f**k about it, I wouldn't put it much beyond that. He never became a proper pantomime villain until he left us and took every possible opportunity to get it right up us. That, of course, is his right but we also had the right to point out that he was an absolute chancer who was more interested in dressing room antics than actually performing well for a club desperate to get back to the First Division.

    McLaughlin was the archetypical Jim McInally player. He was happy to claim full-time money and strut around a part time league like the dogs bollocks, but then when things went wrong he would look absolutely anywhere but at himself when called out for his failings. His 'awk it was all a bit of banter' type attitude on the podcast, he both fucking hated  Morton fans and absolutely lapped up the 'big bad Morton fans' narrative whenever it suits his agenda.

    I sincerely hope that Morton manage to consign the atmosphere at Morton during McLaughlin's tenure, managers like Jim McInally and players like Scott McLaughlin to the history books.

  7. 4 hours ago, callum-ayr said:

    Thinking if McCall has discovered Murdoch can play right back, that may be the reason he’s not bothered with Ferguson. That would leave Geggan, Murdoch and Rose who can cover right back and Harvie, Ecrepont and Higgins at a push at left back. Baird even at right back/centre back if need be. That for me leaves us needing a keeper and centre back as priorities. Assuming Murdoch signs.

    The only problem for me with that is Geggans injuries. Don’t want him to play 5, miss 4, back for 3, miss 6 etc. That then disrupts the midfield with Murdoch constantly switching.

    Signing Andy Murdoch then playing him at right back is like putting Aldi lemonade into a nice single malt.

  8. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I wouldn't be bothered if we did lose Tiffoney. He doesn't have a great deal of technical ability and his match intelligence matches his general intelligence. Raw pace won't cut it at this level. If he doesn't resign then he'll wash up at a Pollock or a Clyde. Quitongo leaving would leave a rather bad taste given the club have paid his wages during rehab, but we all know that birthday caird pish goes out the window when it comes to transfers. He has a horrific injury record and doesn't have a fantastic goal record, so he would be a massive gamble to any club taking him on.

    They're both in very precarious positions at the moment and I'm beginning to think they're going to end up back at Cappielow with their tails between their legs.

  9. 2 hours ago, Tory Boy said:

    Personally think the Irish, Welsh, English & especially the Colt teams shouldn't be in the tournement. I'd much rather they'd have the Highland & Lowland teams taking part.

    I think the foreign teams give a novelty factor to the tournament that helps with the appeal of the tournament. Fans want a weekend away on the piss following their team and this is a decent way to offer that opportunity. Replacing the 12 Colt teams with the top six from both the HL and LL would have the makings of an excellent tournament full of #scenes.

  10. One minor thing, as it's an SFA sanctioned tournament, do all fixtures need to be refereed by SFA registered refs? I didn't care enough to check who refereed the ties in NI and Wales.

    That could prove to be a stumbling block in having qualifying rounds involving non-Scottish teams.

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