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Chinatoon Bairn

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Everything posted by Chinatoon Bairn

  1. Ma old mans a fifer, he's just sent me this song for the third day on the bounce.
  2. Tempted to start a sweepstake on when we will hear from the board at this point. 2 quid entry? Get Div to pull the amount of days out a hat like he did for the World Cup?
  3. No need to worry, I will keep you filled in if there are any changes to the FICF's planned protest against McKinnon this Saturday outside an empty main stand at 2 o'clock sharp.
  4. Wonder what the odds on us hearing from the board today are..
  5. Can't blame you for becoming engrossed to be fair, class show.
  6. Almost forgot about that c**t running rings around us at the start of the season.. Pretty sure he got clapped off by a few Falkirk fans eventually, horrible.
  7. For a wee period I thought that Paton would be at least bearable as a midfielder in this league, but these last few weeks he's been shite. Turn and punt whatever way his legs take him. The ball just comes straight back towards us. Would like to see us move to a 4231, DKD in behind Rudden, Petra and McLean/Waddington on the wings with McShane and Osman sitting deeper. Playing one up top isn't the issue, it's the lack of support. I just want to see something different instead of this 433 pish that's not working.
  8. Folk he gets on his podcasts are quite decent, listened to a few of them. I enjoy the ones where he doesn't speak. He is an absolute walloper. Once assaulted a lassie over a comment about his manbag for what it's worth.
  9. Quite like the look of Waddington, it's someone that we can actually hit from goal kicks. Would be quite happy if we plant him on Liam Dick on Saturday, should get the better of him for the majority of the game. Would be handy to have DKD available to come on around 60 minutes to switch it up after that. Not seen much from Jarvis so far but wouldn't mind seeing him start since Rudden hasn't offered too much in the last couple of weeks. Almost got the better of Alloa the last time they came to the Bairnabeu if it wasn't for that shitebag Fasan, so I'm not reasonably confident of a positive result.
  10. Not very often you see something like that, what did he do?
  11. Thats me done with Cheltenham for another year.
  12. See that's Vaulks called up to the Wales national team. Anyone know if there's money coming our way?
  13. Surely Doohan's heed isn't as big as what's shown in this photo? Anyway, who was it getting booed when Moffat got subbed off? Thought it was odd if it was directed at Moffat, didn't think he played too badly considering how shite some of your other players were
  14. You can plant me in this group also, sitting at my desk very feared up currently
  15. Hartley 1 - Tom Dallison 2 - Patrick Brough 3 - Dennon Lewis 4 - Leo Fasan 5 - Scott Harrison 6 - Tom Owen-Evans 7 - Ruben Sammut 8 - Deimantas Petravicius 9 - Dimitris Froxylias 10 - Brett Young (Reserve) 11 - Paul Paton 12 - Dan Turner 13 - Dylan Mackin 14 - Rees Greenwood 15 - Marcus Haber 16 - Andrew Irving 17 - Mark Russell McKinnon 18 - Zak Rudden 19 - Prince Buaben 20 - Mustapha Dumbuya 21 - Paul Dixon 22 - Abdul Osman 23 - Ross MacLean 24 - Ian McShane 25 - Mark Waddington 26 - Shayne Lavery 27 - Ciaran McKenna 28 - Davis Keillor-Dunn 29 - Harry Burgoyne 30 - William Edjenguele 31 - Aaron Jarvis 32 - Nikolay Todorov Those no longer here marked with an X
  16. A can't even lie, ma arsehole took a breath when that popped up on ma page
  17. Can't blame the BBC for wanting a piece of the post January Box Office Bairns to be fair..
  18. This is one I would welcome with open arms to be fair..
  19. Some laugh if the only thing we announce today is the apparent long awaited return of the curry club..
  20. Hope we announce Lee Erwin today so that dumping we signed last night isn't the thought that sits in the back of my head until deadline day.
  21. False alarm.. Just the club trying to get us interested in some reserve league action, there goes my fledgling career as a fortune teller.
  22. The club just tweeted something and it has been deleted... #WelcomeTidser
  23. Anyone have a list of every player that we have signed since the start of the summer transfer window or know where I can find a list? I'm up for a laugh/cry..
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