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Chinatoon Bairn

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Everything posted by Chinatoon Bairn

  1. A big farewell to my trusty steed Frosty Jacks today, nights will never be the same without you. GBNF x
  2. Going by some previous logic shown, I think we should sign both Shankland and Trouten. Would make us an absolute stick on for the title, they've already had a shot at the higher levels of Scottish football that didn't work out but they're both scoring goals for fun this season. Well worth the punt IMO. Would bring us the 40 goal partnership that Hartley is said to be looking for. A grand total of 46 actually.
  3. Alex Harris' Falkirk career summed up in roughly 6 seconds. It still hurts.
  4. Quite frankly some disgusting levels of selfishness imo.
  5. Now that's me caught up with this thread.. Where is the link to the Alex Harris crowdfunding page? I would rather take the plunge into my overdraft than see that man on the park again.
  6. A completely informal two step on the dancefloor, with a venom in hand discussing transfers/plans over hardstyle music . That sounds like something that's right up my street..
  7. Having now skelped through this pub crawl twice and collecting both colours of tshirt, thus seeing myself as a seasoned veteran I would recommend staying away from the Linlithgow tap, usually absolutely mobbed and the folk on the bar are shite. Platform 3, The Kelpies and the Black Bitch are the best ones for a pint of the finest and best lager in my opinion.
  8. The COYB Falkirk Fan Page is at it again Removed the names of the posters to lower the chance of deserved public ridicule.
  9. Some padlock they’ve got on the gate btw. That’ll be a right struggle to get off.
  10. Order chicken balls, chips and curry sauce from the Chinese, firmly believing that it constitutes genuine Chinese cuisine.
  11. Just finished Brooklyn 99 last night, now I feel lost. Can anyone suggest something to fill a Brooklyn 99/Office US shaped hole?
  12. Must admit I did think there was going to be a reserve/B team given that we are attempting to follow the Brentford kind of project. I thought the idea was to pick up youngsters who had been released by other teams cutting out the couple hundred grand that we were putting towards FVA but still keeping somewhat of a production line.
  13. St. Mirren for £86 - Cash out hit £84 and I was positive they wouldn't let Inverness score two so decided to let it run. Hearts for £70 - Treble didn't even make it past the first hurdle with the two later kick offs winning.
  14. If we're getting some sort of fee for it I don't really mind, it's not as if it will impact anything for the most part. Shire will be training later on in the evening since they are part time, we will continue to train throughout the day. Not really as if our pitch can get cut up. Only time that I can see an issue coming up is if we have the same amount of postponements as this year, schedule could get quite tight towards the end of the season.
  15. Would be surprised if this hasn’t been mentioned before but; The highest offer to date is currently standing at £3.50 and a bic lighter.
  16. You are aware this roughly translates to 'Live the clothes'?
  17. Was fully aware that we were shocking before January, but for some reason this makes it look so much worse. Somewhere between the 19th of November and the 23th of December I forgot what it felt like to score a goal. Then Don Hartley, along with the January transfer window, arrived bearing gifts. #Juggernaut
  18. Genuinely think that at least half of the people in the 'COYB Falkirk Fan Page' facebook page still believe that Houston should not have been sacked and given until at least January to turn it around.
  19. Quite possibly right with this, had to sit for a couple minutes deciding what class it deserved in before taking the plunge. Was tempted to say something to the parents until turned around and noticed the mother was about 8 foot tall and built like a brick shithouse, at which point my arsehole took a breath. Took the wise decision to leave the situation alone.
  20. Allow their children to run freely around a restaurant with no attempt to stop or control them. Said weans will also be screaming.
  21. I can agree that Taiwo does make a massive difference to us when he plays and I love him to bits for how he goes about his work but imo it's only because we have no other player that has the same style or can even put in a solid tackle that I have seen, not really had the chance to make my opinion on Blair yet. In terms of dedication and how hard he works for the team, I think you'll struggle to find a player around the same level up here that does that better but he does lack in quality sometimes as shown in some of the bigger games we have had this season where he has struggled to get a foothold. I know we probably won't see a player who has the same quality as Will Vaulks for a long time, but the gap is visible between him and Taiwo in terms of defensive work.
  22. Not a fan of dropping down at Shifty, done it a few times and it always shafts me by giving me no chests.
  23. Seen the amount of new pages, expected seething Morton fans but all I got was a racism/derogatory terms lecture.
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