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Goalie Hamish

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Everything posted by Goalie Hamish

  1. Stick this on the side of a red bus son and drive up and doon outside Keltys ground, its their fault
  2. Santheman and Glenafton1893 are like the chuckle brothers oan here, one posts mind numbing pish the other just red dots as he cannae string a sentence together apart fae "its no a bauble". As for the boy fae Armadale nae wonder everyones wanting to bail. To me to you. Ah, good to be back
  3. East Region having a Special General Meeting on 10th April with Johnston and McQueen in attendance. Wonder if those clubs who are leaving will even bother to turn up.
  4. 3g lifespan is 10-12 years. Very few clubs will end up with a 3g/sports hub style set-up. Who wanted to hand back the facilities?
  5. Well if we're talking a rump of tinpot clubs want to keep playing for a tinpot bauble in their own wee world that's upto them, they can call it what they want.
  6. There already is qualifying rounds, and it's £3 or £4k.
  7. The Junior Cup should be gracefully retired and a new all encompassing non league trophy instituted. Keeping the name Junior Cup is clearly ludicrous.
  8. Isn't TJ paid very well to show some leadership and where was the leadership when the Pyramid was formed? Guy is a charlatan. The SJFA should be fully disbanded.
  9. The league will resemble what you have now in the Juniors. Don't kid yourself that the SJFA are going to lead you into the Pyramid intact.
  10. I had 3 Super teams moving and 3 Premier, 1 South. There will be more.
  11. Nailed it again. No way should the SJFA be allowed to remain intact inside the pyramid and no way should they be allowed to run a parallel league in the east.
  12. That’s it in an absolute nutshell. Nailed. Problem for Isa is his club are in the 45% and he disnae like it being pointed out. Anyway dinnae let a decent thread be derailed with his mediocre ramblings.
  13. Like that will happen. Game is already up in the east, the pyramid is there and you either join it or you dinnae and upto 10 clubs will next season. No need for the SFA to meddle in that.
  14. I'd probably add Hill of Beath to that, not sure all those Premier clubs will end up applying maybe 3 out the 5. I think you will get a few more coming out the woodwork now that Bonnyrigg have declared.
  15. Well they do say the Winner Takes It All, will it be the East of Scotland League?
  16. Och my wee mediocre pal, if only you'd wake up and smell the heather. There's no Money, Money, Money in the Juniors anymore, so when the East of Scotland League comes calling asking clubs to Take a Chance on Me, they dinnae have much hesitation. It's the Name of the Game these days, and if you don't follow suit it will eventually be your Waterloo.
  17. Camelon are going, seems like Bonnyrigg will go, Musselburgh as well I hear, the games done right there.
  18. Are Linlithgow going to move for next season? a no brainer as you're already licenced and looking like Bonnyrigg will go as well.
  19. I'm meaning the names I have been given might not be 100% correct, but I'm going to assume most of them are. Camelon appear to have confirmed as per above.
  20. He exists in a wee world of his own, surrounded by people and clubs who consider the pyramid as an evil satanist plot. The times have changed though as hes about to find out.
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