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Lang Toon Saintee

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Everything posted by Lang Toon Saintee

  1. From what I read of the club statement there was a lot of mewling about different incentives that failed to get home fans along. Is it any wonder home gates drop when these cave dwellers come to town. I understand it's a business, but its effectively admitting defeat to their constant shitty behaviour. Still could be worse eh ? We could be in the first division signing your duds instead of the other way round
  2. Around three months until the end of the season.Thats about the extent of Watt's interest in playing for a club so a short term deal should be safe enough.
  3. This in all honesty is in the great scheme of things is not important.The only major damage that can be done into our goal difference.Hendry getting a placatory start and Duffy being assessed..Let's get this out of the way and look towards Saturday.
  4. Is that right luv Oops sorry I also forgot to include your man with no name
  5. We had 18 on Saturday with only Ralston missing from that squad and O'Hallaron and McCart bring added plus Vihmann if required
  6. I was told by a fairly reliable source that ten buses have now been filled
  7. Yeah but Kennedy played well for eighteen months here Watt faded after a few months although in fairness he did have a few good performances after that
  8. On Tony Watt...Remember when he signed that three year deal and we were all joking about "See you in January Tony" ? Starts well at every club he goes to tben settles in and loses interest then his form fades.He has only just turned 26 and has had( inc loans) 11 clubs
  9. Yeah I heard it was 250k plus addons ..Seriously I reckon we would go to around 50k
  10. Oh,right,at least there is one person in this conversation who gives a f**k then eh ? And thanks again for the money Ka'Ching
  11. Unlike our new seating policy where it is now quantity over quality in the east stand...Thanks for the cash we will probably be able to increase the quantity as well now Ka'Ching
  12. In either of the positions that the two players who dont play for the club are playing in ?
  13. Random your team contains two players who dont play for us one of them does not even have a name
  14. I dont think Wright thinks in terms of a starting 11 but more horses for courses so they would a play at some stage
  15. Heard tonight that Hendry is holding off signing a new contract because he wants to start games and is frustrated that he is not doing so
  16. I thought we played really well today and were never under any pressure apart for a few minutes after they scored that extremely dubious penalty.Lots of positives for me I thought May and Spooney were outstanding and McCann is now not just a promising young player but our most dominant midfielder.And as for Killie,oh dear they are a shadow of the team they were last year.
  17. Struggling !!?? We have had one defeat in the last eight games that's hardly struggling !
  18. I think you will find out that he has a bigger job lined up when he leaves at the end of the season
  19. You suerly don't believe that your mob of perennial underachievers are going to make tbe playoffs do you..Seriously!! ?
  20. Macca is a is player who plays through the middle halds the ball up and creates chances for others around him.We desperately need a player like that.
  21. What a bizarre post.why on earth are you going on about a long term permanent signing when the suggestion was for a short term loan deal until the end of the season.And as for being a replacement for Kennedy only an idiot would think that
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